Monday, January 27, 2025

Leo Tolstoi

 Leo Tolstoi

Leo Tolstoi was a Russian writer that was able to write important books about the importance of civility and morality. Leo Tolstoi lived in the time period of Fyodor Dostoevsky and about the time that Lenin and Trotsky were writing their lies about socialism. Leo Tolstoi was an individual that wrote about the importance of having integrity and morality. I have not read books on Tolstoi yet have learned about specific themes and ideas that he talked about. Leo Tolstoi was not a proponent of socialism and is among the Russian writers that composed interesting themes about the importance of civility and morality.

Among the important topics that Leo Tolstoi wrote about includes the Anna Karenina principle that describes the manner that feminists are negative. Leo Tolstoi probably wrote the Anna Karenina principle after feminist women and not righteous women. We have read stories about how both men and women are able to persevere being righteous. This is not about the biological sex of a person and actually about practicing integrity instead of envy and sin. Leo Tolstoi describes the Anna Karenina principle describing how socialist feminists think. The Anna Karenina principle states that if a feminist woman is being courted for a relationship, they will look at the positive qualities and attributes, yet will not appreciate all the qualities unless a man has all the qualities. This describes how feminism teaches women to not have gratitude and instead be negative concerning multiple things. Feminism does not look to help women and instead looks to lead them to negative emotions, envy, ingratitude, and the practice of sin

The Anna Karenina principle states that if a man were to have nine out of ten qualities, the feminist would not appreciate the positive qualities and instead only focus on the quality that is lacking. This means that instead of appreciating the nine positive qualities, the feminist would care greater about the positive quality that is lacking. This describes how feminists see things through a negative lens. This is interesting since Leo Tolstoi wrote about this in the late 1800s. We learn that Leo Tolstoi was speaking truth because in our times we have seen the manner that socialism and feminism have attempted to cause idolatrous women to practice idol worship, sin, and envy. We have seen multiple examples of feminist women who decided to be adulterous (although in these times it is probably called polyamorism. We learn that not only women practice idol worship because there are also male idolatrous adulterers understanding that idolatry leads to adultery.) However, the important point is to flee idolatry and adultery.

We have seen in the past decade how marxist feminism has caused difficulties for societies because of the negativity and envy that results from idolatry. Leo Tolstoi described the importance of practicing integrity so that society can be stable. We have learned from the previous decade how post-modern society has devolved due to envy, coveting, hate, anger, resentments, and bitterness from idol worship. We can persevere seeing the positive of everything and know that these are not the best of times to start a relationship or have a family. We can be grateful to know that we can be far apart from idolators, adultresses, and adulterers that attempt to lead to sin and idol worship. We can understand that we can persevere being positive and grateful for the favor and blessings that we have instead of negative and envious. We can also choose to avoid false prophets, adultresses, adulterers, and idolators who want other people to also be discouraged, envious, and bitter. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Pope John Paul II

 Pope John Paul II 

Interpretacion a otros lenguajes

"In order to set man free from fear of himself, of the world, of others, of earthly powers, of oppressive systems, in order to set him free from every manifestation of a servile fear... it is necessary to pray fervently that He will cultivate in his heart the true fear of GOD, which is the beginning of wisdom."- Crossing the Threshold of Hope (page 228)

Pope John Paul II described the importance of worshiping GOD Almighty with zeal and fidelity. We learn that he was able to be a priest and then was able to be pope in 1978. Pope John Paul II described the importance of obedience to GOD Almighty and also genuine empathy to mankind. We learn that Pope John Paul II preached about the importance of responsibility. While Pope John Paul II preached about the importance of King Jesus Christ and obedience to the commandments, there was opposition from communism and socialism.

"This fear of GOD is the saving power of the Gospel. It is a constructive, never destructive fear."

Pope John Paul II kept preaching and speaking truth even when there was opposition seen in communism. We learn from his book, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, about the opposition that existed in the socialists and communists that did not want him to preach at universities. We learn that even when they attempted to prevent him from preaching and speaking truth, Pope John Paul II persevered preaching Christianity. We learn that Pope John Paul II decided to honor the Creator, GOD Almighty, instead of listening to the discouragements and envy of the communists. We learn that Pope John Paul II was led by the worship of GOD Almighty and not by fear. We learn that instead Pope John Paul II chose to worship GOD Almighty than listen to the discouragements of a flawed communist false belief.

"The fear of GOD creates people who allow themselves to be led by responsibility, by responsible love."

We learn that Pope John Paul II had an assassination attempt in 1981 in Moscow when a sniper rifle bullet hit Pope John Paul II. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to recover from the assassination attempt and was able to keep preaching truth. We learn that Pope John Paul II even visited the individual that attempted to take his life. Pope John Paul II visited the individual in prison in Moscow. We learn that Pope John Paul II forgave the individual and described the power of forgiveness, genuine empathy, and preaching King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to persevere describing that there is no need for negative emotions describing hate, envy, resentments, and bitterness. 

"Responsibility and responsible love creates set apart men and women-true Christians- to whom the future of the world ultimately belongs."

Pope John Paul II kept preaching even after the assassination attempt, and we learned that the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s. We learn that while there are multiple reasons describing why the Soviet Union collapsed, one of the main reasons included the positive example of Pope John Paul II being able to preach the filial love and genuine empathy of Christianity amidst the bitterness and hate that attempted to prevent Pope John Paul II from preaching. We were able to see that love conquers hate and that GOD Almighty is very active in the lives of human beings that are righteous. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to keep preaching decades later and describes the importance of having zeal, humility, responsibility, and most important of all fidelity to GOD Almighty.


Pope John Paul II Described That the Worship of GOD Almighty Allows Us to Free Ourselves From the Chains of Sin and Idol Worship

Original sin attempts, then, to abolish fatherhood, destroying its light which permeate the created world, placing in doubt the truth about GOD who is Love and leaving man only with a sense of the master-slave relationship.”- (page 228)

Pope John Paul II described how the truth of Scripture describing the importance of worshiping GOD Almighty above everything allows us to be freed from the temporary lies of the snake. We learn that the snake attempts to tempt to the practice of sin and vices while promising “freedom” and “autonomy”. This is with the intention to lead to captivity and darkness. We learn that the snake states blatant lies that GOD Almighty is authoritarian and arbitrary. We know that we can guard our heart and mind against such lies because we know that GOD Almighty is not authoritarian nor arbitrary. Pope John Paul II described how the snake wants individuals to think that instead of the relationship with GOD Almighty being that between a Loving Father and a child, it is that of a master and slave. This is an obvious lie that speaks about the projections of the snake.

We are able to free ourselves from the temporary lies of evil by choosing to persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that the snake tells lies seen in the story of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Job, and Paul. We learn that if the snake is talking it is telling temporary lies. We learn that Pope John Paul II describes that the fear of the LORD allows us to persevere with true freedom and autonomy that prevents us from practicing sin and vices. We learn that the practice of sin and idol worship leads to the shackles of vices that lead to difficulties, negative emotions, and the destruction of the unrepentant wicked. We learn that Pope John Paul II spoke truth about how we can free ourselves and persevere being freed of fear, envy, anger, and coveting by choosing to worship GOD Almighty. 

The Right to Life

"For man, the right to life is the fundamental right. And yet, part of contemporary culture has wanted to deny that right, turning it into an "uncomfortable" right, one that has to be defended. But there is no other right that so closely affects the very existence of the person! The right to live means the right to be born and then persevere to live..."- Crossing the Threshold of Hope (page 204-205)

Pope John Paul II described the importance of fighting for the right of human life. We learn that Pope John Paul II fought for the rights of newborns and the importance of obeying the commandments. We learn that the socialists and communists opposed Pope John Paul II attempting to prevent him from preaching in the universities of Poland. Pope John Paul II also described that the media attempted to argue against pro-life arguments with the intention to lead to the use of abortions in cases of unwanted pregnancies in the 1980s. We learn that Pope John Paul II fought against these irresponsible and foolish arguments that attempted to lead individuals to think that abortions are an option. Pope John Paul II fought against abortions and the killing of innocent unborn human life. 

"The question of conceived and unborn children is a particularly delicate yet clear problem. The legalization of the termination of pregnancy is none other than the authorization given to an adult, with the approval of an established law, to take the lives of children yet unborn and thus incapable of defending themselves. It is difficult to imagine a more unjust situation, and it is very difficult to speak of obssession in a matter such as this, where we are dealing with a fundamental imperative of every good conscience-the defense of the right to life of an innocent and defenseless human being. Often the question is presented as a women's right to free choice regarding the life already existing inside her, that she carries in her womb: the woman should have the right to choose between giving life or taking it away from the unborn child. Anyone can see that the alternative here is only apparent. It is not possible to speak of the right to choose when a clear moral evil is involved, when what is at stake is the commandment Do not kill!"- (page 205)

Pope John Paul II did not waver in his commitment to speak truth and is one of the reasons why the socialists and communists did not like Pope John Paul II. We learn that Pope John Paul II kept preaching and writing truth that led to individuals learning about the filial love and genuine empathy that exists in the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that Christianity describes the importance of human life and that each individual has the right to live based on the commandments of Moses. We learn that the socialists kept attempting to persecute Pope John Paul II and when they could not prevent him from preaching, they attempted to assassinate him. Yet, he was able to persevere preaching, writing, and worshiping GOD Almighty recuperating from the gun shot wound of a socialist. Pope John Paul II did not become resentful or discouraged and instead persevered with high courage and unbreakable valor.  

Guarding Human Rights and Fighting Against Disinformation and Deceit

"What are the human rights? It is evident that these rights were inscribed by the Creator in the order of creation, so we can not speak of concessions on the part of human institutions, on the part of states and international organizations. The Gospel is the fullest confirmation of all of human rights. Without it we can easily find ourselves be far from the truth about man."- (page 197)

We are able to understand that socialism and communism does not offer much to individuals seeing the manner that socialists and communists could not stand the reality of Pope John Paul II preaching truth, logic, wisdom, and filial love. We learn that he fought for the life of the unborn and even went through persecution for his faith. This allows us to understand why we can not be a part of evil, tyranny, and deceit that attempts to prevent individuals from seeing the beauty and wonders that GOD Almighty is able to accomplish. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to help individuals realize that GOD Almighty is a loving Father who cares about humanity. We learn that GOD Almighty wants to help us persevere and that we can not believe the temporary lies of the snake that want to cause negative emotions and resentment to lead to disobedience

"The Redeemer confirms human rights simply by restoring the fullness of the dignity man received when GOD created him in His image and likeness."- (page 197)

In the 1990s and 2000s after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were also preachers and pastors that described how they attempted to preach in churches and how there was opposition. Despite the opposition, preachers described that they would be able to preach in churches in Russia and different nations that were formerly of the Soviet Union, and described how GOD Almighty allowed them to persevere speaking truth amidst hate and envy from false apostles and idolators that did not want preachers to speak truth. We learn that Pope John Paul II gave us an important example of how we can persevere with bravery and courage despite opposition, persecution, and envy.

Logic and Reason Confirm the Existence of GOD Almighty and Refutes Atheism and Nihilism

"The visible world, in and of itself, can not offer a scientific basis for an atheistic interpretation of reality. Instead, honest reflection does find sufficient elements in the world to arrive at the knowledge of GOD. In this sense the atheistic interpretation of reality is one-sided and tendentious."- (page 198)

Pope John Paul II described that he was able to speak with scientists and professors about the manner that we can understand that GOD Almighty exists. We learn that this wisdom prevents us from believing in false philosophies of hate and lust describing atheism and nihilism that socialism and communism derive from. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to preach about the manner that atheism does not make much sense from a point of view with logic and reason. We learn that Pope John Paul II described that atheism could not be argued for since there is logical reason and order that confirms the existence and absolute sovereign authority of GOD Almighty

"I still remember those discussions. I also participated in many meetings with scientists, in particular with physicists, who, after Einstein, were quite open to a theistic interpretation of the world."- (page 199)

Pope John Paul II described that atheism is very one sided because there is no logic, reasoning, order, or filial love. There is arbitrariness and authoritarianism seen in the past regimes of socialism and communism that have never worked. We learn that we can persevere acknowledging the importance of logic, reasoning, truth, and order that exists. We learn that the creation of the world and the world has order. We know that GOD Almighty has established the order of creation concerning the earth seeing the sun, moon, stars, rivers, oceans, weather, seasons, and even with the planets and the universe. We learn that GOD Almighty established order in creation that allows us to acknowledge with learning and studying science that GOD Almighty is in absolute, infinite, and eternal authority over everything

Pope John Paul II Described the Manner that the Fall of the Soviet Union Describes How GOD Almighty is Present in the Lives of Individuals

"By your question you confirm that in the fall of communism the action of GOD has been almost visible in the history of our country." (page 130)

In the 1990's, the Soviet Union collapsed. Pope John Paul II described that with the collapse of the Soviet Union, we were able to see the action of GOD Almighty in the lives of individuals. We learn that Pope John Paul II was important in the faltering of the Soviet Union because of his preaching. We learn that GOD Almighty is very present in the lives of Christians seeing the manner that nazi socialism only lasted thirty years and Soviet socialism only lasted seventy years. While it appeared that socialism was going to lead to difficulties in the 1940s with Hitler, the Allied Forces attacked and destroyed the persecution that the nazi socialists were engaging in. During the 1960-1990s with the Soviet Union, we learned that many nations from the Soviet Union decided to renounce socialism and communism for Christianity and capitalism. We learn that evil attempts to say that GOD Almighty is not present in the lives of individuals, yet with the fall of the Soviet Union, we can acknowledge the power of GOD Almighty. We learn that even the nazi socialists hated the Soviet socialists and the Soviet socialists hated the nazi socialists seen in how Hitler attacked Stalin during Russian winter. We also saw how socialism and communism are not viable forms of governance because it is based on envy and hate. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to help us acknowledge the power of filial love and genuine empathy. In the 1990s, the Soviet Union faltered and became new nations that embraced Christianity and capitalism. The newer nations decided to renounce the temporary lies and deceit of socialism and communism. 

"In fact, it was Leo XIII who in a certain sense predicted the fall of communism, a fall that would cost humanity and Europe dearly, since the medicine- he wrote in his encyclical of 1891- could prove more deadly than the disease itself." (page 131)

Pope John Paul II described that the supposed solution of socialism was actually worse than the disease. We learn that Pope Leo XIII predicted the fall of communism in the year 1891. While socialism and communism attempt to appear to be a solution to the injustices of hate and envy, it is actually the source of the hate and envy. We learn that idolatry is the source of difficulties, envy, and coveting. We learned from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn about the injustices that occured in Soviet Russia due to the envy and hate of Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, and their sycophantic "comrades" who professed the religion of envy and hate: socialism. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described the gulag system and the false accusations that led to loyal citizens and soldiers being sent to gulag for essentially being rational, civil, and truthful. We learned about a business owner who was arrested and sent to gulag for failing to keep applauding Stalin for more than ten minutes. The interrogator gave the business owner the suggestion and life advice to "never be the first to stop applauding." This describes the tyranny and totalitarianism that exists in socialism and communism and why we should keep persevering worshiping the true GOD of gods, GOD Almighty. While socialism and communism state that they are attempting to produce utopias, we know that the reality is very different. The supposed "utopias" without GOD Almighty end up being totalitarian stagnated dystopias. 

Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dr. Albert Sabin

 Dr. Albert Sabin

Interpretacion en otros lenguajes

Dr. Albert Sabin was a physician and researcher who was able to make a vaccine for the poliomyelities virus in the 1950s. We learn that Dr. Jonas Salk's vaccine that used killed polio virus was approved and used successfully. We learn that Dr. Sabin theorized that inactivated or weakened polio virus would lead to a greater immune reaction that would be more effective against the poliomyelitis virus. We learn that Dr. Sabin was able to create another polio virus vaccine to fight against polio virus infection. 

We learn that both vaccines were effective against fighting the polio virus seeing that the number of cases of polio in the 1950s decreased substantially. We learn that this described the two methods that are usually used by researchers to create vaccines. We learn that there is the killed virus method that prevents individuals from obtaining sickness or illness seen in Dr. Salk's polio vaccine that was highly effective and efficient at reducing polio infection. 

We learn that the other method of producing vaccines is the inactivated virus method that uses weakened virus strains to prevent infection and stimulate an immunological response. We learn that both vaccines were researched over 8-10 years and were tested to make sure there were no side effects or adverse reactions to the individual's health. We learn that science can be used to create great discoveries seen in the poliomyelitis vaccines of the 1950s. We learn that since the use of polio vaccines starting with Dr. Salk's vaccine, polio infections decreased significantly. 

We learn that along with penicillin and certain medications in the last century, there were great improvements in health and well being. We can learn about the vaccines in order to guard ourselves from newer vaccines that have not been researched for 8-10 years and have not been tested compared to previous approved and studied vaccines. We can learn that science can help when used with integrity and ethics, while making sure that we do not place all our attention or importance on science. We know that GOD Almighty is LORD and Creator and that instead we worship GOD Almighty who allows us to distinguish truth from false lies. Instead of making science our everything, we can decide to worship GOD Almighty and learn about science with responsibility and integrity so that we guard ourselves from pseudo-science and unresearched medication and vaccines.

Albert Sabin Described the Need to Be Cautious About Unneeded Vaccinations in the 1970s

"He spoke at the University of Toledo on May 17, recommending that the vaccine be made but held in storehouses unless and until it was clear that a deadly swine flu epidemic was in progress."- (page 156)

Albert Sabin who created a successful new vaccine against the poliomyelitis virus, was able to describe hesitancy towards immunizing all of the United States' population with a new vaccine against a virus that had affected a few soldiers in a specific fort in 1976. The virus was considered to be similar to a deadly strain of flu and almost like the flu of 1918. There was a virus that had affected a fort and killed a soldier and infected a few others, yet scientists took to create a new vaccine of the virus. While not knowing which virus it was, scientists decided to create a vaccine against the virus for fear that it was similar to the "1918 flu virus". Sabin was an individual that cautioned against giving vaccines when the virus was not known and was not causing severe symptoms and had only infected a few people. While initially scientists attempted to speak on the need to vaccinate in a large scale all of the United States population describing the need of more than 120 million vaccines, we learn that Sabin cautioned against the use of such vaccines. Another physician, Dr. Martin Goldfield, stated that, "If Americans have flu shots in the numbers predicted [attempting to vaccinate all of the United States population in the 1970s], as many as 2,300 will have strokes and 7,000 will have heart attacks within two days of being immunized... Within a week after receiving flu shots, 45 people will develop encephalitis and more than 9,000 will get pneumonia."(page 161) Dr. Martin Goldfield, who was the chief epidemiologist of New Jersey described that there should not be a mass campaign to vaccinate the United States because healthy individuals could experience heath issues and side effects, "Healthy people might experience serious side effects from the vaccine... 'There are many dangers to going ahead with immunizing the population as there are with withholding. We can soberly estimate that approximately fifteen percent of the entire population will suffer disability reactions.'"(page 155). In the conclusion of the vaccination program in the 1970's, only 40 million vaccines were applied. 

"Nonetheless, by mid-December, 40 million Americans, a third of the adult population, had had swine flu shots. It was twice as many as before immunized against flu in any single season and it was the largest vaccination program in history."-(page 167)

It was learned that after the vaccines were approved for use, some individuals began to experience vaccine side effects including heart attacks, strokes, and even Guillain-Barré syndrome. Sabin described in the time prior to the vaccines being distributed that there was the need to store the vaccines until there was a true need. Sabin described the need to see if there was a true need for the vaccines instead of vaccinating everyone in the United States. Sabin was able to speak out against the mass vaccination when the specific virus was not known at the time. The reason for vaccinating was because the virus seemed like the "1918 virus" while not actually knowing the specific strains of said virus. In 1977, it was concluded that the mass vaccination of individuals could have caused multiple cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome along with cases of heart attacks and strokes. 

The Flu Virus of 1976 and Mass Vaccination

There was a flu in 1976 that devastated a fort and led to the death of a young soldier. There were four additional cases. Scientists thought that the virus was virulent and could cause significant difficulties. We learn that the scientists decided to create a flu vaccine although the flu strain was not completely known. The flu virus was described similar to a swine flu (although the specific strain was not known). The scientists believed that the flu may be similar to the “1918 flu” that devastated large numbers of people. We learn that in 1976, scientists created a flu vaccine against the virus of 1976. While it was generally agreed that the vaccine was necessary, Albert Sabin was one of the few individuals that expressed the need to hold the vaccine in safe storage until it was known if the virus was potentially virulent and dangerous.

We learn that Albert Sabin voiced his opposition in May 17, 1976, of vaccinating the whole United States population (120 million people) with the 1976 vaccine against the 1976 flu of unknown strain. This was because the virus had only affected a few individuals and was not as virulent compared to the 1918 virus. The option was to store the vaccine in storage until the virus was known to be lethal and virulent. The vaccine was given to 40 million people, and there were more than a few cases of heart attacks, strokes, Guillain Barré syndrome, and other side effects (some reports included multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, polyomyositis…). There were cases of heart problems in individuals who died starting ten days after immunization with the vaccines (page 165). Guillain Barré is a rare disorder that only affects 4,000–5,000 individuals per year, yet 1,100 cases were reported in December 1976 after vaccination with the flu vaccine in October 1st of 1976. (page 167, 168, 174). There is the description that Guillain Barré syndrome can lead to respiratory problems that lead to death in five percent of cases and in ten percent of cases individuals get a type of permanent paralysis. 

The Mass Vaccination of the Flu Vaccine of 1976 Was Discontinued After Reports of Side Effects and Neurological Symptoms

We learned that there were individuals that were speaking out against the mass vaccination with the flu vaccine of 1976. By December of 1976, there were more than a 1,100 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome along with additional cases of neurological symptoms, heart problems, strokes, and side effects. This was all in reaction to a few cases of the flu that appeared to be like the “1918 flu”. We learned that only one soldier died and a few others were infected. The flu of 1976 did not affect the general population like it had affected the soldiers at the fort. The flu strain of 1976 could not be compared to the “flu of 1918” at that time because there was no 1918 flu strain sample to compare to. The intention was to use the 1976 virus to develop a "fast growing flu strain" for vaccinations when it was not known if the virus was virulent or similar to the 1918 flu. (page 137) “On Wednesday, December 15, the Centers notified doctors across the nation that they should continue giving swine flu shots.” (page 172)

An epidemiologist and neurologist, Dr. Lawrence Schonberger, along with Sabin had decided to speak out against the mass vaccination of the United States population after seeing the reports of possible cases of Guillain-Barré and other side effects. “A couple of additional cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome had been reported by then, making the association stronger. On Thursday, December 16, Sencer conceded that the swine flu vaccination program must be stopped because of the possibility that the vaccine might be causing Guillain-Barré syndrome. That day, with President Ford's agreement, Dr. Theodore Cooper, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, announced that the swine flu immunization campaign was over. There had not been a single case of swine flu and the prospect of any danger at all from the vaccine was chilling.” (page 174–175)

Even the Centers described how getting the vaccine was able to cause possible Guillain-Barré syndrome. There were other possible side effects of the 1976 flu vaccine describing “facial paralysis, nerve inflammation, encephalitis injuries to nerves of the hands and feet, brachial nerve inflammation, inflammations of the optic nerve, people whose nerves were losing their insulating layer, called myelin.” (page 174–175). This helps us know that there were actual risks to the flu vaccine of 1976 and the number of severe virulent flu cases were not actually increased to warrant the mass vaccination. This is described because the mass vaccination of the 1976 flu vaccine in the United States was terminated in December 1976 after Sabin had described the need to hold the vaccine on storage until it was deemed needed by a severe epidemic in May of 1976.

The Centers concluded that the vaccine increased people's risk of getting the disease eightfold, and that the risk period extended for ten weeks after the immunization.The Centers also turned up people with a variety of other neurological disorders that commenced after the flu shots.”- (page 174–175)

The 1976 flu vaccine was given and caused severe reactions in individuals that even the Centers described how there was the indication that vaccinating with the flu vaccine of 1976 could have led to severe neurological side effects. The risk of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome was eight times higher for people vaccinated with the 1976 flu vaccine with the symptoms developing in the first six weeks after immunization. There was also additional side effects from the vaccine that included multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and polyomyositis. There was the understanding that the vaccine should have been discontinued after nine states suspended the administration of the vaccine due to deaths and side effects in October 1976, yet the vaccine was still given until December of 1976 (page 176). 

Having Healthy Skepticism Concerning the Approval of New Medications and Vaccines

With the 1976 flu vaccine, we were able to learn that there is the need to have healthy skepticism concerning how the vaccines are approved. We learn there were vaccines like the polio vaccine that took 8–10 years to study and approve so that the side effects and unneeded symptoms could be researched. We learn that the polio vaccines created by Dr. Salks and Dr. Sabin were actually effective, efficient, and looked to prevent side effects from developing. We learn that the polio virus was essentially decreased with minimal cases after the administering of the two different polio vaccines in the 1950s. We learn that both vaccines, the inactivated and attenuated forms of the vaccines, were able to help the United States combat polio virus cases.

In the 1970s, Dr. Sabin had expressed concerns about mass vaccination of the United States with the 1976 flu vaccine when there were not that many cases of the 1976 flu virus nor multiple virulent cases. Dr. Sabin described the need to store the vaccine in storage until there was evidence that the 1976 virus was virulent and reaching epidemic levels in May of 1976. We learn that once the vaccine was administered and cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome were reported along with side effects that included pneumonia, neurological symptoms, heart problems, strokes, encephalitis, and multiple sclerosis among the side effects of the 1976 vaccine, there were physicians that spoke out against continuing the mass vaccination. We learn that a neurologist spoke about there being a possible correlation between having received the 1976 flu vaccine and cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Eventually, nine states decided to discontinue the administering of the vaccine in October 1976. The Centers decided to say that there was the need to keep administering the vaccine. Until December 1976 was the 1976 vaccine removed from use. The mass distribution of the 1976 vaccine describes the importance of having healthy skepticism when learning about new medications or new vaccines. We need to study the manner that the medications and vaccines are created, manufactured, and approved in order to make sound decisions concerning if we need said vaccine or medication. While the goal was to vaccinate 120 million Americans in 1976, there was only 40 million that were vaccinated, yet mutiple side effects and unneeded symptoms were observed. This is with the manner that insurance companies did not want to insure said 1976 vaccines because of the risk of side effects and symptoms. Insurance companies decided to not want to insure the vaccines being that they did not want to handle the probability of side effects and symptoms that could arise from the administering of the 1976 vaccines. The Federal Government decided to take on that responsibility and described that they would be responsible for the insuring of the 1976 vaccines. This led to cases where individuals that developed side effects and symptoms went to the government for restitution, yet even then, there were cases that were not compensated.

Denying Covid “Vaccines” and Persevering With Healthy Skepticism

This is interesting noting how in the covid “pandemic” of 2019, the pharmaceutical companies stated that they were not held liable for adverse side effects and symptoms. This describes how there is a need to guard ourselves from vaccines that are prepared in haste without 8–10 years of research. We learn that the covid “vaccine” was created in 9 months and was conditionally “approved” based on emergency use due to the “pandemic” when it did not have 8–10 years of careful investigation and research. While the vaccines have been administered over the past years including booster shots, there are questions as to why there are variants of covid instead of the eradication of the covid virus. We can have healthy skepticism to know that we do not need covid “vaccines” that have not described essential basic questions including where the “virus” originated, why the vaccine was the only method of treatment, why there are still variants years later, why individuals had to be vaccinated to go to school and/or work, why the media did not describe the importance of bolstering the immune system with adequate nutrition and exercise, why medication that was helping was removed, why there was more than one vaccine and booster needed to be “complaint”, why gyms were closed and individuals needed to be “vaccinated” to go to a gym, why the pharmaceutical companies did not want to be held responsible for side effects or unneeded symptoms of the “vaccine”, and why 6 month old infants need a dose of the vaccine

Either manner, we can persevere knowing that we do not need any of the covid “vaccines” or “boosters”, and we can keep trusting in our immune system that GOD Almighty created in perfect manner, exercising every day minimum thirty minutes a day except for Shabbath, and making sure that we repent of sin and obey the commandments of Moses. We learn to trust GOD Almighty who tells us in the writings of Moses that if we obey the commandments, there are no illnesses of Egypt. We can keep motivated and have gratitude to persevere despite the times that we live in

Quotes from Flu The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It- Gina Kolata

Grigory Ivanovich Grigoryev

 Grigory Ivanovich Grigoryev

Grigory Ivanovich, who was no longer young, grew stronger in camp; his earlier rheumatism of the joints disappeared completely, and he became particularly healthy after the typhus from which he recovered: in winter he went out in cotton sacks, making holes in them for his head and his hands- and he did not catch a cold! So wouldn't it be more correct to say that no camp can corrupt those who have a stable nucleus.”- (page 318–319)

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has interesting stories about righteous Christian individuals who decided to persevere in Soviet Russia without being corrupted. We learn that Grigory was an older individual who had decided to remain loyal to his conscience being able to work hard rather than take the easy way out. We learn that Grigory would decide to work hard jobs in gulag rather than the easy jobs in exchange for becoming corrupt. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, having been a Lenin socialist in the past, initially could not understand how righteous individuals could actually thrive and prosper despite the adversity. Righteous individuals decided to be righteous rather than corrupt and improved despite opposition from the socialists. Such is the story of Grigory.

Grigory was a soil scientist who volunteered for the People's Volunteer Corps. He was taken prisoner by the Germans and spent time in a German camp. He was allowed to return to Russia and was sent to gulag by the Soviet Bolsheviks for having been captured by the Germans. We learn that the Soviet Bolsheviks instead of helping their returning brethren from the POW camps, they decided to send them to gulag. In gulag, he was approached by Soviet Bolsheviks to recruit him to be an informant. Grigory denied the idea of becoming an informant and was sent to a penalty camp. Grigory decided to persevere with hard work in gulag rather than get a soft job being an informant falsely accussing fellow Russians.

He was later offered the opportunity to be a brigadier, an individual that was in charge of leading the gulag workers yet also required berating and being hostile to others. Grigory decided against such position and decided to till the land and scythe with enthusiasm. He worked hard and kept persevering. He was then moved to be the work checker of a quarry and refused to be given that position because he would have to fabricate information. It was common that the work reports of gulag were heavily falsified and fabricated. There were instances when a large number of people died from freezing cold weather in different camps, and the work reporters who reported the work of gulag would write that no one died. The amount of work taking place in gulag also was falsified. Grigory did not want to speak lies and instead negated that work assignment. Grigory decided to break rocks along with other gulag individuals rather than speak lies.

He was allowed to process the potatoes and vegetables with the vegetable storeroom brigade, and never stole. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that it was very common that individuals would steal from the storeroom because the food given in gulag was minimal, not nutritious, and also did not contain the calories required to sustain individuals in the sub-arctic weather. Grigory did not steal anything despite there being the opportunity to. Despite the adversity, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that Grigory actually improved and became better with time. He became stronger, grew healthier, and even could work in freezing weather without developing a cold. Initially, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn could not believe how individuals could persevere with such zealous integrity, yet became aware that the worship of GOD Almighty is how individuals can persevere despite everything



“Adamova-Sliozberg has a moving story about meeting a girl called Motya, who was jailed in 1936 for leaving her place of banishment without permission to go to her native village, Svetlovidovo near Tarussa, two thousand kilometers on foot! Sportsmen are given medals for that sort of thing. She had been exiled with her parents in 1929 when she was a little schoolgirl, and deprived of schooling forever. Her teacher's pet name for her was, 'Motya, our little Edison': the child was not only an excellent pupil, but had an inventive turn of mind, had rigged up a sort of turbine worked by a stream, and invented other things for the school. After seven years she felt an urge just to look once more at the log walls of her unattainable school- and for that 'little Edison' went to gulag and then to camp.’”- (page 426)

We learn in the Gulag Archipelago that there were children and adolescents who decided to resist and fight against socialism keeping their faith in GOD Almighty. We learn that there were cases where the Soviet Bolsheviks had envy against children and adolescents seen in the stories of Zoya and Shurka. We learn that socialism does not look to help the elders, adults, and children and instead attempts to lead to the practice of sin and vices. We learn that Motya was another individual that was envied by the Soviet Bolsheviks.

In the story of Motya, we learn that the child's parents were exiled and because of their exile, Motya was prevented from going to school. We learn that Motya was able to learn in the village where they were exiled, and be an extraordinary child who was able to create innovations. The Soviet Bolsheviks had decided to prevent Motya from going to school due to the parent's exile. Amidst the obvious incongruency of socialism that states that it wants to “improve the lives of the working class”, we learn that it did not actually speak truth.

We learned that Motya was able to create a turbine and created other inventions. She was named by her teacher in the village, 'little Edison,’ after the well known inventor Thomas Alva Edison. We learn that Motya was able to keep learning in the village of exile. She decided to go to see the walls of the school of her village that she was not allowed to go to due to her parent's exile. She walked for more than two thousand kilometers on foot and reached the school. We learn that for choosing to go see the school, Motya was sent to gulag. This describes the envy that exists in socialism where Soviet Bolsheviks do not like the manner that individuals can improve themselves through learning, increasing virtues, and developing maturity.

The Soviet Bolshevik socialists had envy of Motya for being able to be inventive and quite extraordinary. She was able to persevere despite the attempts of Soviet Bolsheviks to prevent her from learning. We learn that this describes the discrepencies between the temporary lies that socialism states and the truth that describes how socialism does not help anyone. We are able to read about other stories where the Soviet Bolsheviks did not like competition and individuals improving themselves by building two story houses where there were rows of one story houses or brick houses where there were log houses. Essentially, there was no reason and no logic towards the envy of the socialists because it was all arbitrary, authoritarian, totalitarian, and due to negative emotions describing anger, hate, envy, and coveting. Christianity instructs on the need to remove and avoid such emotions that do not help anyone

Monday, January 20, 2025

Shurka Dmitriyev

 Shurka Dmitriyev

“Take Shurka Dmitriyev, from the village of Masleno. He was thirteen when his father, Fyodor, died in 1925, and the only son in a family of girls. Who was to manage his father's holding? Shurka took it on. The girls and the mother accepted him as head of the family. A working peasant and an adult now.. He was a worthy successor to his hard-working father, and when 1929 came his bins were full of grain. Obviously a kulak! The whole family was driven out!”- (page 426)

We learned about the Gulag Archipelago written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn about elders, adults, adolescents, and children who resisted and fought against the temporary lies of socialism. We learned about how children and adolescents were also able to fight against the indoctrination that the Soviet Union attempted to cause against children. We learn about the example of Zoya who decided to not be indoctrinated in socialism describing how she would not be a thief nor be corrupted by socialism when she was placed in an orphanage far from her family members. We learned about how she resisted socialism by choosing to worship GOD Almighty above everything.

Even when there was persecution for denying socialism, Zoya persevered with unchanging devotion to GOD Almighty without disobedience to the commandments of Moses. We learn that Zoya persevered without practicing sin and iniquity despite her young age. There were other stories of children and adolescents who did not give in to the indoctrination of the Soviet socialists. Shurka was another individual that chose to be responsible and persevere with valor, honor, and goodness. Shurka decided to take over the head of the household position when his father, Fyodor died. We learn that Shurka took on the responsibility and decided to work being a farmer raising grain and wheat from the land. Shurka at the age of thirteen decided to be responsible and worked hard to sustain his family by working hard in the land.

Because Shurka was able to persevere and kept working hard having his bins full of grain and wheat, the Soviet Bolsheviks decided to persecute Shurka and his family. We learn that the Soviet Bolsheviks in 1928 decided to persecute the farm workers because they were self-sufficient, industrious, righteous, and wanted to know nothing of the temporary lies of socialism. Shurka being an adolescent decided to be responsible and work hard. We learn that the Soviet Bolsheviks probably did not like Shurka because of his industrious work ethic at such a young age. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that Shurka and his family were driven out of the land meaning that the Soviet Bolsheviks decided to steal from an industrious and self-sufficient adolescent. We learn that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that the Soviet socialists hated the elderly because they were adamant and resolute in their faith, the adults because of their valor and courage not believing the lies and deceit of socialism, and the children and adolescents because Christianity allows individuals to improve themselves and their descendants.

There are multiple stories that describe the incongruencies of Soviet socialism that only wants to stifle the freedom and autonomy that exists. We learn in the Gulag Archipelago about how even children and adolescents understood this knowing that socialism did not look to help anyone. We can learn to keep persevering despite the persecution, adversity, and envy. We learn that righteous individuals were able to persevere in the Soviet Union trusting in GOD Almighty, and Christian individuals persevered. We know that the Soviet Union did not persevere and collapsed in the 1990s because of innumerable reasons already mentioned. We learn that Christianity has kept being preached in Russia and different nations so much so that there are a greater number of churches in Russia describing the Orthodox, Catholic, and even Christian denominational and non-denominational churches that have been created after the fall of the Soviet Union. We can learn to appreciate the good and remove the negative and the temporary lies of socialism from our lives so that we can persevere

Friday, January 17, 2025

Zoya Leshcheva

 Zoya Leshcheva

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“But Zoya Leshcheva managed to outdo her whole family. And here is how. Her father, her mother, her grandfather, her grandmother, and her elder adolescent brothers had all been scattered to distant camps because of their faith in GOD.”- (page 276–277)

We learn in the Gulag Archipelago about the manner that socialism did not help the elderly, adults, nor the children. We learn about individuals from all ages who discovered how socialism spoke lies and actually led to envy and coveting. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spoke about elder individuals who resisted the lies and deceit of socialism including Anatoly Fastenko and Dusya Chmil. We learned about adults who denied the temptations and persisted amidst the persecution of socialism seen in Kozyrev and Irena Nagel. We find interesting and amazing examples of children and adolescents who also decided to deny socialism and keep their faith in GOD Almighty.

Zoya was a ten year old child who was able to resist and fight off the attempts of socialism to be indoctrinated into the practice of envy, hate, and sin. We learned that Soviet Bolshevik socialism attempted to break up families so that the children did not live with their parents. This was intentional so that the children would grow up resenting their parents eventhough it was the Soviet Bolsheviks who caused this difficulty. Soviet socialism also attempted to cause adultery to be practiced so that families were not stable and the commandments of Moses were not obeyed. The Soviet Bolsheviks also attempted to prevent families from raising up their children in the Christian faith because then the children would grow in virtues, mature, and develop qualities that would help them persevere. The intention was to produce negative emotions in the children and a lack of stability so that they would decide to practice sin and idol worship instead. Socialism hates stable families raised after the Christian model seen in Genesis and throughout Scripture.

The Soviet Bolsheviks tried to send whole families to gulag but would break up the families so that the family members were not together. Even in cases of marriages without children, the Soviet Bolsheviks attempted to separate spouses so that they were not together in gulag and attempted to cause adultery. Amidst all of that, Zoya was taken to gulag along with her whole family including grandparents, parents, and elder siblings. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that Zoya was separated from her family being only a ten year old and was sent  to an orphanage. Zoya would decide to persevere being righteous and faithful to GOD Almighty and not believe the lies of socialism seeing the cowardice and envy that socialism causes.

Even here she refused to steal or speak bad words. ‘A mother as sacred as mine must never have a daughter who is a criminal. I would rather be a political, like my whole family.’”- (page 277)

Zoya would persevere without renouncing her faith in GOD Almighty. She refused to be molded to the indoctrination that socialism attempted to have on children in the orphanage. Zoya had a necklace that other children attempted to steal from her, yet she would not allow the other children to steal her necklace. Eventually, they sent Zoya to an orphanage for children with mental developmental delays because she refused to be indoctrinated to socialism. There too she kept her necklace and refused to be corrupted by socialism and circumstances. Zoya preferred to be a “political”, an individual that was persecuted and not treated with equality by the Soviet Bolsheviks, because of her faith in GOD Almighty. Zoya knew that the difficulties, adversities, and negative circumstances were all because of socialism and the envy of socialists. Zoya refused to accept socialism and lived her life denying the indoctrination of Soviet socialism. Zoya remained a Christian and did not care about the difficulties.

For her directness and her language [speaking truth] she got a second camp sentence and, it seems, a third one also.”- (page 278)



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“Kozyrev, whose brilliant career in astronomy was interrupted by his arrest, saved himself by only thinking about the eternal and infinite. Of the order of the Universe.”- (page 144)

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that individuals that decided to worship GOD Almighty were able to persevere despite opposition, persecution, and difficult times. We learned about different stories of the Gulag Archipelago that described the envy that happens in socialism and communism. We learn that socialism does not help anyone. Even amidst the persecution that righteous individuals went through, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described how the righteous were able to persevere without corrupting themselves. This is something that surprised Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn because while the circumstances were not ideal, righteous individuals kept believing and having faith in GOD Almighty and persevered. There is the story of an astronomer who was envied by the Soviet Bolsheviks.

“And in this manner he began to discover a new field in physics. And only in this manner did he succeed in surviving in the Dmitrovsk Prison. But his line of mental exploration was blocked by forgotten figures. Now just where could he get them in his solitary-confinement cell with its overnight kerosene lamp...And the scientist prayed, 'Please, GOD! I have done everything I could. Please help me! Please help me continue!” (page 144)

The person's name is Kozyrev. We learn that he had a career in astronomy and was good at his profession. Because he was good, most likely, the Soviet Bolsheviks envied him and sent him to gulag. We learn that the individual believed in GOD Almighty acknowledging that the skies and the earth and everything is created by GOD Almighty. We learn that the Soviets placed him in gulag and tried to discourage his faith. Kozyrev decided to keep his faith. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described of Kozyrev being kept in solitary confinement in order to discourage him. Kozyrev was able to think about the importance of GOD Almighty and persevere through everything.

Half an hour passed after his prayer; they came to exchange his book; and as usual without asking anything at all, they pushed a book at him. It was entitled A Course in Astrophysics! Where had it come from? He simply could not imagine such a book in a prison library. Aware of the brief duration of this coincidence, Kozyrev threw himself on it and began to memorize everything he needed immediately, and everything he might need later on. In all, just two days had passed, and he had eight days left in which to keep his book, when there was an unscheduled inspection by the chief of the prison. His eagle eye noticed immediately. 'But you are an astronomer?’ 'Yes.’ 'Take this book away from him.’”- (page 144)

In a specific occassion, the Soviet Bolsheviks attempted to prevent Kozyrev from improving upon his knowledge of astronomy. Kozyrev prayed to GOD Almighty and was able to keep going. Kozyrev prayed for GOD Almighty to help him persevere despite opposition. We learn that Kozyrev was able to persevere and was helped by GOD Almighty. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described how in the minimal Soviet library at the gulag that Kozyrev was placed, the Soviet guards only circulated Soviet propaganda books. To the amazement of Kozyrev, the guards handed him a book on Astronomy and Physics. Kozyrev decided to learn everything that he could from the book in the short time that he was able to keep the book. Kozyrev was able to memorize and study the Astronomy book.

We learn that Kozyrev was able to persevere despite the opposition of the Soviets. Kozyrev was able to keep on working and learning. We learn that after two days the Soviet guards made an inspection and the chief recalled that he was an astronomer and took the book away. Despite the circumstances, Kozyrev learned and memorized the book in those two days in order to allow him the manner to keep working in Astronomy while being in gulag. This story helps us know that faith allows us to persevere despite opposition, circumstances, and envy

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Dusya Chmil

 Dusya Chmil

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“Dusya Chmill, a round faced, calm, and quiet illiterate old woman. The convoy guards called out to her: 'Chmill! What is your article?’ And she gently, good-naturedly replied: 'Why are you asking, my boy? It's all written down there. I can't remember them all.’ (She had a bouquet of sections under Article 58.) 'Your term!’ Dusya Chmil sighed. She wasn't giving such contradictory answer in order to annoy the convoy. In her own simplehearted way she pondered this question: Her term? Did they really think it was given to human beings to know their terms? '...'Till GOD forgives my sins..' ‘…But after two and a half years of her term had passed, even though she had sent no petitions- all of a sudden a piece of paper came: release!’”-(page 317)

Dusya Chmil was a woman that decided to keep being sincere and righteous and was taken to gulag for false accusations. We learn that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described stories of individuals that had done no wrong and yet were persecuted by the socialist Bolshevik Soviets. While there was persecution based on envy, some of these stories relate how there were also righteous individuals that did not corrupt themselves and remained loyal to the worship of GOD Almighty. We learned that while some were martyred and obtained eternal salvation, others kept persevering and were able to be freed from gulag.

The story of Dusya Chmil describes an older woman who had been falsely accused by the Soviet socialists and taken to gulag. Dusya Chmil did not really care for socialism and described everything in plain language describing that she was going to keep worshiping GOD Almighty and did not care about socialism. When Soviet soldiers asked about her article meaning the reason she was being sent to gulag, Dusya Chmil answered with honesty and was not trying to annoy. She described that she did not know anything about that and that it was all written down. When asked the term she was receiving, she answered with honesty describing that she was going to keep persevering worshiping GOD Almighty.

The story of Dusya Chmil is surprising because while being an older woman considered a “nun” by the Soviet socialists, she decided to persevere with her faith in GOD Almighty and was released in two and a half years. This is surprising because for each individual there were different circumstances. The most important part was not renouncing Christianity despite martyrdom, persecution, or envy. We learn that Dusya Chmill was able to persevere and was released early from gulag not having to serve the fifteen years described. This describes the manner that GOD Almighty helps the righteous persevere when they decide to be zealous for their faith and not practice idol worship and sin. Some may have been martyred yet obtained eternal salvation, yet others persevered being released early from gulag. Others served time in gulag like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, were freed, then exiled to another country, and never renounced their faith in King Jesus Christ.

Dusya Chmil describes the “nuns” that decided to worship GOD Almighty above everything with zeal. The Soviet Bolsheviks hated the “nuns” because they were stubborn in their belief and did not really care about idolatry. We learn that the “nuns” were older women that never renounced their faith in GOD Almighty yet remained skeptical about socialism and communism. In Orthodox Christianity, there were no nuns in the sense of the Catholic Church, yet there were zealous older women that were called "nuns" because of their zeal. There were older men and women that chose to be zealous in their faith that caused envy from the Soviets. We learn that the older generations were not looked upon favorably by the Soviet socialists because they did not care about idol worship that was socialism. We learn that not only were the older generations skeptical of socialism because there are numerous stories of younger individuals and adults that remained zealous for the worship of GOD Almighty. This describes how socialism does not care about men, women, the elderly, the young, and adults, and instead only cares about envy and temporary lies. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Patriarch Tikhon

 Patriarch Tikhon

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“The staunch Patriarch warned them, “...for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. (Matthew 26: 52). But at that time it seemed absurd, impossible! How could they imagine at that time that History sometimes does know revenge…” (page 245)

We learn that while the Soviet Bolsheviks attempted to "appear benevolent" saying that they were trying to help the working class, they were actually persecuting the working class. We learn that the Soviet Bolsheviks wanted to remove faith, history, art, science, literature, and replace it with government worship. Patriarch Tikhon who was the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, was persecuted in 1918, and described that the persecution of believers would essentially lead to the destruction of the wicked seen in King Jesus Christ's reproof of violence describing that those who kill by the sword are themselves killed by the sword. This describes that GOD Almighty is aware of the sin committed and is able to judge when GOD Almighty decides. We learn that this reproof describes how there is justice by GOD Almighty in destroying murderers and idolators. We learn that the own Bolsheviks ended up persecuting Bolsheviks. In Soviet Russia, the socialists persecuted socialists. (Also, the nazi socialists fought against the Soviet socialists.)

This describes the truth of King Jesus Christ and the manner that Patriarch Tikhon judged the Soviets in 1918 describing the deceit and murders of the Soviet Bolsheviks. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn questioned how the Germans were able to denounce the nazi socialists who were murderers and evildoers through the Nuremberg Trials while the Soviets had difficulty denouncing the injustices of Stalin. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was able to see that there was justice in the manner that even Bolshevik sycophants were themselves falsely accused and sent to gulag. We are able to read about stories of Soviet socialists that were sent to gulag and had to labor in camps based on false accusations and envy being that they were loyal to the Soviet state.

We learn that GOD Almighty makes justice because Lenin was sent to exile by Stalin, and Stalin would also later be sent to exile and died prior to the 1960s. We learn that righteous believers were either persecuted to martyrdom or persevered through persecution, yet Christianity kept being preached. We learn that the Soviet Union did not help its citizens and declined significantly after the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn were published. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn writes about the importance of integrity despite the adversity, circumstances, and envy that he went through.

While being sent to gulag being a Lenin socialist, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn would renounce socialism based on the lies seen of the Soviets, wonder and amazement of seeing righteous Christians persevere despite persecution, and the realization that there is justice and the need to practice integrity despite the iniquity that is in the world. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn renounced idolatry for the worship of King Jesus Christ. We learn that Christianity kept and keeps being preached to Russia and Europe and the manner that the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s and became independant states where most nations have Christian churches and prefer capitalism. 

Irena Nagel

 Irena Nagel

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“A security officer, Junior Lieutenant Sidorenko, expressed a desire to get more intimately acquainted. And Negel replied: “I would rather be kissed by the lowliest thief in a camp! You ought to be ashamed of yourself. I can hear your baby crying in the next room.” Repulsed by her outburst, the security officer suddenly changed his expression and said: 'Surely you don't really think I like you? I merely wanted to put you to the test. So here's the way it is: you must collaborate with us.’ She refused and was sent to a penalty camp.”- (page 260)

We learn about specific stories in the Gulag Archipelago about individuals that were true and real and did not want to practice adultery and envy. We learn about Irena Nagel who was a typist who was asked to practice adultery with a Soviet officer. We learn that Irena Nagel did not want to practice adultery and instead refused to start an adulterous relationship with a Soviet officer. Irena Nagel knew that Sidorenko had most likely a wife and children. She learned about this since his children were making noises in the next room. The Soviet officer had resentment and sent Irena Nagel to gulag based on false accusations based on resentment being denied his advances and envy.

This is interesting because there are similar stories in the Gulag Archipelago about individuals that did nothing wrong and yet were sent to gulag. We learn that the reason they were sent to gulag was based on envy, hate, and resentments. After being denied the romantic interest, Sidorenko described that he was only putting Irena Nagel to the test describing the arrogance and lack of empathy of Sidorenko. We learn that she did not change her mind and was sent to a penalty camp in gulag for not accepting his romantic interest of adultery.

We are able to see from the stories of the Gulag Archipelago about individuals that had integrity and preferred to keep their integrity than practice sin and adultery. We learn that this story reminds us of the importance of integrity despite threats, envy, and resentments. We learn that there were different individuals that went through difficulties because of the envy of a socialist. The story of Pavel Chulpanyev describes a similar understanding of how Soviet socialism is not what it appears to be. Because Pavel Chulpanyev had the affection of a woman, Lozovsky was envious and falsely accused Chulpanyev of sedition based on envy.

We learn that socialism and communism are not good forms of governance seeing the manner that there are stories of how Soviet socialists were motivated by envy instead of genuine empathy. We learn that despite the difficulties, individuals persevered and helps us know that righteousness and goodness helps us persist. Individuals that were good refused to corrupt themselves or practice iniquity. This allows us to know that we can not believe the temporary lies of the snake that say that, “Everyone is a sinner and practices sin.” We learn that those are temporary lies because the stories of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describe that there were always good individuals that never corrupted themselves. They may not have been the majority, but they were not few either. 

Priest Viktor Shipovalnikov

 Priest Viktor Shipovalnikov

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“They sent the Priest Viktor Shipovalnikov there on charges of conducting “religious propaganda” (he had celebrated vespers for five nurses on Easter's Eve.)

In the stories of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describing the Gulag Archipelago, we read about righteous individuals that decided to persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty and did not corrupt themselves to idol worship. We learn that there are important stories that help us know that GOD Almighty helps the righteous persevere despite set-backs, opposition, and persecution. While socialism and communism is not an ideal method of governance, we learn about righteous individuals who persevered despite the adversities and envy of the Soviet socialists. We learned about individuals that refused to work for the Soviets, refused to corrupt themselves to practice evil, and kept speaking truth despite the envy and hate of socialists.

This is important knowing that evil attempts to discourage saying that everyone practices sin, when the reality is that not everyone practices sin and there are righteous people who want to know nothing of evil. We learned about priests who kept preaching King Jesus Christ and never renounced their faith despite being envied and falsely accused. There were righteous believers that were women that refused to renounce their belief and were sent to gulag.This allows us to know that throughout history there are righteous individuals that choose to be righteous and have fidelity to GOD Almighty instead of being in the road of perdition in the practice of sin and idol worship.

We learned about Priest Viktor Shipovalnikov that decided to conduct a mass despite persecution and was sent to gulag. We learn that he provided a mass for five nurses and the manner that the Soviet socialists falsely accused him with “religious propaganda”. We learn that despite the censorship and attempts to prevent socialists and communists from hearing Scripture, Priest Viktor Shipovalnikov was able to keep preaching and keep to his ideals and integrity despite the opposition. We learn of woman that were called “nuns” that were women that decided to keep their faith and never gave in to idol worship, envy, and corruption.

“They kept whole barracks of “nuns” there who refused to work for the devil. At the penalty camp for prisoners under convoy at the Pechora State Farm they held them in a penalty block up to their knees in water. In the autumn of 1941 they gave them all 58-14-economic counterrevolution- and shot them.)”

“And how is it that genuine religious believers survived in camps (as we mentioned more than once)? In the course of this book we have already mentioned their self-confident procession through the Archipelago…How some of them were mowed down by machine guns and those next in line continued their march. A steadfastness unheard of in the twentieth century!” (page 317)

We learn in the Gulag Archipelago about individuals that were able to keep preaching and speaking truth regardless of the opposition and hindrances. We learn that even in the gulag system, individuals from all social classes were able to hear about Scripture and the need to accept King Jesus Christ. We learn that while some were martyred, Christianity kept increasing including in the Soviet Union. We learn that while some Christians were persecuted to martyrdom in the gulag, others were able to keep persevering preaching and keeping to their ideals. We learn that righteous individuals held to their faith instead of corrupting themselves to idol worship, iniquity, and greed. We learn that even individuals that were not righteous were able to learn about Christianity in the gulag system. There are multiple stories of individuals who renounced sin for King Jesus Christ. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn details this in great detail because he renounced Lenin socialism for King Jesus Christ. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Gregory Mendel

 Gregory Mendel

We learn from Gregory Mendel that he was a Christian monk who was able to discover knowledge of the study of Genetics. While attending to his studies and devotion to the worship of GOD Almighty, Gregory Mendel was able to describe through the studying of peas that there were genetic differences in the plants. In the monastery, Gregory Mendel was able to observe garden plants and attempted to reason the genetic variabilities between plants. Gregory Mendel was able to discover that there are dominant and recessive traits that describe how a specific plant will grow and develop. Gregory Mendel was able to describe that parent plants were able to pass on to their offspring specific genetic traits.

Gregory Mendel described that garden plants including peas were able to vary genetically between each other. He was able to describe that there were two specific types of plants produced. There were the round and green pea plants and shrivelled and green peas. We learn that Gregory Mendel was able to deduce that the dominant genes of roundness and green peas was predominant with seventy five percent of the peas being round and green.

Gregory Mendel deduced that the other twenty five percent of the peas were green and shrivelled. This describes that the peas were of two specific gene traits. There was the color green and the characteristic of the pea being round or shrivelled. We learn that this described only two specific traits. Gregory Mendel helped give understanding concerning the Punnet squares that allow for us to know how the specific cross polination of different plants can lead to different genotypes (genetic make up) and phenotypes (outward visible qualities). We learn that a match between a dominant recessive trait (Rr) with another dominant recessive trait (Rr) leads to two different possible visible traits.

We learn that Gregory Mendel described that there could be multiple traits that can be observed. In another scenario, there were pea plants that were able to produce green round peas, green shriveled peas, yellow round peas, or yellow shriveled peas. This understanding of genetics allowed us to understand observable genetic traits that can be explained by science including reasoning why some individuals have widow's peaks and others do not, differences in eye color, and even incidence of diseases such as Tay Sach's disease or auto-immune diseases such as Lupus. With Gregory Mendel's knowledge of genetics, we are able to understand the importance of science and also integrity being able to understand that scientific knowledge can be used to help instead of being misused and misapplied. We can persevere being grateful for scientific knowledge that prevents us from being arrogant and irresponsible. 

John Dalton

 John Dalton

John Dalton was a Christian individual that was a part of the Quakers. We learn that John Dalton was able to understand specific knowledge of atoms. We learn from Chemistry about the manner that elements are composed of atoms and have specific structures. Referring to the periodic table of the elements, we can learn that each element is different and has different specific qualities including differences in protons, neutrons, and electrons. John Dalton was able to discover that elements are made up of atoms.

This is impressive because atoms and specific knowledge of Chemistry concerns information that would be difficult to observe. We learn that he was able to understand how elements are made up of atoms and gave understanding about the composition of elements. In Chemistry, we learn that specific elements can form compounds and lead to chemical reactions. We learn that science can help us understand the importance of learning and being able to remain responsible practicing integrity. We learn that Chemistry can be applied to create helpful medications, study the benefits of nutrition, and avoid illicit substances (poisons) that are not needed.

Another important distinction about John Dalton was that he was color blind. John Dalton could not distinguish between specific colors due to a genetic predisposition that prevented specific colors from being observed. There was a story describing how John Dalton once thought that he was wearing the traditional color black to go to church as it was accustomed by the Quakers. Upon arriving to church, the individuals looked at him funny since he had instead worn a bright colored shirt that was not black. John Dalton could not understand how he could not have chosen a different shirt color and it was noted later that he was color blind.

The condition of being color blind or daltonism causes individuals to not be able to see specific colors from the red, green, and blue spectrum. In his time, there were theories of how color blindness happens. After multiple studies, we are able to understand that color blindness is a genetic trait that is a recessive trait, yet can affect individuals. Being a recessive trait, it only affects individuals who have parents with the recessive trait of color blindness. This was noted from the fact that John Dalton's brother also had color blindness.