Leo Tolstoi
Leo Tolstoi was a Russian writer that was able to write important books about the importance of civility and morality. Leo Tolstoi lived in the time period of Fyodor Dostoevsky and about the time that Lenin and Trotsky were writing their lies about socialism. Leo Tolstoi was an individual that wrote about the importance of having integrity and morality. I have not read books on Tolstoi yet have learned about specific themes and ideas that he talked about. Leo Tolstoi was not a proponent of socialism and is among the Russian writers that composed interesting themes about the importance of civility and morality.
Among the important topics that Leo Tolstoi wrote about includes the Anna Karenina principle that describes the manner that feminists are negative. Leo Tolstoi probably wrote the Anna Karenina principle after feminist women and not righteous women. We have read stories about how both men and women are able to persevere being righteous. This is not about the biological sex of a person and actually about practicing integrity instead of envy and sin. Leo Tolstoi describes the Anna Karenina principle describing how socialist feminists think. The Anna Karenina principle states that if a feminist woman is being courted for a relationship, they will look at the positive qualities and attributes, yet will not appreciate all the qualities unless a man has all the qualities. This describes how feminism teaches women to not have gratitude and instead be negative concerning multiple things. Feminism does not look to help women and instead looks to lead them to negative emotions, envy, ingratitude, and the practice of sin.
The Anna Karenina principle states that if a man were to have nine out of ten qualities, the feminist would not appreciate the positive qualities and instead only focus on the quality that is lacking. This means that instead of appreciating the nine positive qualities, the feminist would care greater about the positive quality that is lacking. This describes how feminists see things through a negative lens. This is interesting since Leo Tolstoi wrote about this in the late 1800s. We learn that Leo Tolstoi was speaking truth because in our times we have seen the manner that socialism and feminism have attempted to cause idolatrous women to practice idol worship, sin, and envy. We have seen multiple examples of feminist women who decided to be adulterous (although in these times it is probably called polyamorism. We learn that not only women practice idol worship because there are also male idolatrous adulterers understanding that idolatry leads to adultery.) However, the important point is to flee idolatry and adultery.
We have seen in the past decade how marxist feminism has caused difficulties for societies because of the negativity and envy that results from idolatry. Leo Tolstoi described the importance of practicing integrity so that society can be stable. We have learned from the previous decade how post-modern society has devolved due to envy, coveting, hate, anger, resentments, and bitterness from idol worship. We can persevere seeing the positive of everything and know that these are not the best of times to start a relationship or have a family. We can be grateful to know that we can be far apart from idolators, adultresses, and adulterers that attempt to lead to sin and idol worship. We can understand that we can persevere being positive and grateful for the favor and blessings that we have instead of negative and envious. We can also choose to avoid false prophets, adultresses, adulterers, and idolators who want other people to also be discouraged, envious, and bitter.
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