Thursday, February 20, 2025

M. Brodovsky

 M. Brodovsky

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described in the Gulag Archipelago how socialism attempted to persecute and cause difficulties. We learned that parents were not allowed to instruct their children in the true faith because socailists did not want children learning about the truth and improving in virtues. In the 1960s in the Soviet Union, there were communications that stated that parents were allowed to instruct their children in the parent's faith, yet the socialists kept persecuting families and children that were instructed in the true faith.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described how faithful Christian believers were persecuted for instructing their children in Christianity. The stories of Bazbei, Zhenya, and Yevgeny M. Sirokhin described the false accusations and envy that socialist Bolsheviks had against righteous believers. In one example, one of the nine children of Bazbei was bribed to speak lies against her father. Nina decided to say that her father had tried to poison her and also that the believers had constructed a radio transmitter telecommunications device in the woods (this was highly unlikely because resources were scarce in the Soviet Union). Nina would retract her statements and the Soviets removed her truthful statements. There are other stories where the Soviets blatantly lied and spoke slander and produced fake documents to falsely accuse righteous individuals in the Soviet Union.

“The court trying the Baptist M. Brodovsky was not too squeamish to use crudely faked documents; when the defendant protested, 'This is dishonest of you!’”- (page 467)

M. Brodovsky who was a faithful believer was persecuted and sent to gulag. M. Brodovsky was falsely accused most likely of anti soviet propaganda for not believing in socialism and having faith in GOD Almighty. The Soviet Bolshevik socialists produced crudely faked documents to which Brodovsky replied that the evidence was fake and falsefied. The Soviet Bolshevik socialists persecuted righteous Christians not caring if they had dependants that were below the school age. This describes the narcissism and lack of empathy of socialism that only looks to cause envy and coveting.

The righteous Christian believers persevered despite the persecution from the temporary lies and envy of the socialists. It was noted that from 1961 to 1964 close to 197 believers were falsely accused by the socialists. 442 dependents had their parents taken to gulag or were exiled and 341 of the dependents were under the school age. This describes the truth of socialism that it does not look to help anyone at all anywhere. This was to prevent children from improving themselves in the worship of GOD Almighty being industrious and having responsibility. The parents were either exiled or sent to gulag where they were given five years in exile or five years in gulag and additional years in exile. This was to prevent children from learning from the virtues of their parents, and the importance of the worship of GOD Almighty.

“The judge is not at all interested in the substance of the case, the truth. The Baptists were persecuted because they do not accept preachers sent by an atheist plenipotentiary of the state, but prefer their own. (Under Baptist rules, any brother can preach the Gospel.) There is a directive from the Oblast Party Committee: put them on trial and forcibly take their children from them. And this was carried out, although with its left hand the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet has just (July 2, 1962) signed the world convention on ‘the fight against discrimination in the sphere of education.' One of its points is that 'parents must be allowed to provide for the religious and moral education of their children in accordance with their own convictions.’ But that is precisely what we can not allow!”- (page 466)

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