Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Louis Pasteur

 Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur was a scientist and discoverer of the germ theory. We learn that Louis Pasteur was able to figure out the manner that germs caused sickness and that the process of producing milk from cows required heat to prevent sickness. We know that unpasteurized milk can cause sickness in individuals. We learn that milk first needed to be heated in order to remove any microbes or bacteria that can cause sickness. We know that this was during the 1800s that germ theory was discovered by Louis Pasteur.

We know that there have been myths and fake stories about how the Europeans knew that they had brought blankets covered with germs to the New World being that germ theory was not discovered until the 1800s. We know that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. This describes that germ theory was not known at the time of the explorers in the 1500s. We know that they were seeking to preach to the New World so that individuals could accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, repent of sin, and obey the commandments to obtain eternal salvation in King Jesus Christ. We know that we are not supposed to believe temporary lies from false sources. We know that schools and churches were planted in the New World by missionaries that helped provide stability and serenity so that everyone could thrive and improve.

We learn that Louis Pasteur was able to discover the germ theory allowing us to know that there is bacteria, microorganisms, parasites, and fungi that exist that are microscopic. The only manner to view the microorganisms is through the help of microscopes and lenses. We know that the microbiome of individuals consist of many different microorganisms and bacteria. Some are helpful and others that are not. However this was not discovered after the 1800s. We learn that germ theory allows us to know about the importance of science while at the same time knowing that we prioritize the worship of GOD Almighty. We know that while science can help explain specific questions, we know that science is flawed and not perfect. We know that science can not explain everything because it is not perfect. We know that GOD Almighty is perfect and helps us know that we need to have faith in GOD Almighty to help us persevere. 

We know that in these times we can learn about science while at the same time having healthy skepticism due to the questions that have surfaced concerning covid "vaccines", the efficacy, the number of vaccinations needed to be considered "fully vaccinated", the source of the covid "virus", the source of the covid "variants", the need to vaccinate when the vaccine was created in nine months without having 8-10 years of research, and the side effects of the vaccine. We know that there are a large number of questions that allow us to practice healthy scientific skepticism while trusting in GOD Almighty above everything. We know that we can learn about science without letting science be everything. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dr. Viktor E. Frankl

 Dr. Viktor E. Frankl


“He who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how.” – Viktor E. Frankl

One of the mentally strongest men of history. This individual was wronged multiple times by a society that felt the need to embrace national socialism and fascism and yet continued to survive and thrive. Amid all the odds of life, Dr. Frankl was able to muster the strength to resist any or all of the insults, injuries, hatred, and group think that was set against him. His story should be a great example of the perils of following the group for the sake of following the group and the importance of individual will to liberty, self-determination, and a firm belief in GOD.


“Decisions, not conditions, determine what a man is.” – Viktor E. Frankl


Viktor E. Frankl was taken by the German Nazi soldiers who embraced nationalist socialism. They worked together to ascribe all their ills on a common enemy. This illogical hatred was used as fuel to continue the assault on individuals that did not share the Nazi beliefs or their appearance or bloodline. Yet, no one rose up and spoke out against the onslaught of precious human life. There was rarely any dissidents because they would feel the fury of the evil empire. So great was the fear of people of Germany that even prominent English politicians feared from afar. They would have rather capitulated to the growing strength of the hateful yoke than speak against it. Only a sane English individual by the name of Winston Spencer Churchill believed on the need to defend life from death and to show strength where weakness abounded.


“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by the lack of meaning and purpose.” Viktor E. Frankl


Through the organization of oratory and lies, did the empire gain strength. Attacking and destroying human life that they deemed different from themselves. Jewish individuals were taken into captivity and destroyed in a show of force that can only be described as unrestricted hatred and a dedication to the eradication of human life. While these changes occurred, few individuals dared to challenge the authority that was demonstrating unrestrained destruction. Qeue Viktor E. Frankl. The individual who demonstrated in his recollections, “Man’s Search For Meaning,” just how vicious and cruel ideologies can be. While suffering from the unfair captivity of Nazis, Viktor E. Frankl was able to take all the abuse, all the suffering that he was witnessing, and demonstrate a stoic nature so few could muster under those circumstances. Rather than lose his will to live as many did in the concentration camps, Frankl must have thought, “He that has a why can bear any how.” He continued regardless of the circumstances and regardless of everything that he had endured.


“Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning. The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her own life.” Viktor E. Frankl


Although he was publically ridiculed and beaten, he continued showing that he was in control of his own destiny. Even in the worst circumstances he demonstrated that no one was to take the sovereignty that he was endowed with. He alone defied the order that he was living in from within. Even after being accused and whose life was changed drastically, he continued on as if nothing changed. He placed himself in a mentality where he was able to withstand any insult, any hurt, any problem, because he was more than the circumstances. He was more than his enemies. He was much more than all of these combined. His book gives so much hope to humanity as a whole. Yet, his living example of strength and high courage shows us what it means to have peace of mind and character even in the midst of a world that wants to embrace cruelty and hatred.

Viktor E. Frankl's Book, Man's Search For Meaning, Describes the Importance of Positivity, Gratitude, Meaning, and Purpose

After Viktor E. Frankl had gone through the difficulties of racism due to nazi socialism, his book, Man's Search For Meaning, describes the importance of finding meaning and persevering having a purpose. Frankl's book describes the importance of having meaning and purpose in this life so that there is no meaninglessness and purposelessness. Even after going through hate and envy, Viktor E. Frankl was able to practice psychiatry and instruct on the importance of keeping a positive outlook in life. Viktor E. Frankl kept learning and did not let the envy and hate of socialist nazism lead him to hate. Viktor E. Frankl kept learning throughout his life being able to keep practicing Psychiatry and was able to receive a Doctorate in Philosophy. We learn that he wrote many books on Logotherapy and that Positive Psychology is derived from Viktor E. Frankl's writings. In 1983, he was able to go to West Germany to give a symposium about Positive Psychology and the need to have meaning and purpose in one's own life. 

Viktor E. Frankl describes in his book the manner that nihilism attempts to lead individuals to a state of emptiness were there is no meaning and purpose. This abscence of meaning and purpose leads to negative emotions, neuroticism, and difficulties. We learn that the Sacred Scriptures remind us of the importance of having meaning and purpose in the worship of GOD Almighty. This prevents us from having negative emotions describing frustrations, fear, bitterness, resentment, anger, and envy. Positive Psychology describes the need to keep being positive and having gratitude that acknowledges the importance of meaning and purpose. Viktor E. Frankl described that individuals can have meaning and purpose by being creative in their own work, having filial love, and acknowledging that even obstacles and circumstances can be used to find meaning and purpose. This describes the manner that we can not allow negative emotions, false philosophies, and the practice of sin lead to meaninglessness and faithlessness. We are able to find happiness and goodness when we decide to persevere with righteousness in the worship of GOD Almighty. Viktor E. Frankl is able to help us understand the manner that we can keep faith and courage because there is meaning and purpose.

Acknowledging the Importance of Meaning and Purpose Prevents the Existential Vacuum

"To life he can only respond by being responsible. Thus logotherapy sees in responsibility the very essence of human existence."- Man's Search for Meaning (page 131)

Viktor E. Frankl describes that one of the biggest dangers of his times was the threat of nihilism. This specific philosophy that states that life has no meaning. We know that this false philosophy leads to lack of meaning, lack of purpose, and lack of faith. We learn that nihilism can lead to the existential vacuum where individuals do not have meaning and purpose that leads to negative emotions, depression, aggression, and addiction. Viktor E. Frankl describes that logotherapy helps individuals be able to remove the negative emotions because logotherapy has the intention of helping individuals understand the importance of having meaning and purpose. We learn that life has meaning and purpose when there is creativity meaning being able to create or work, have filial love, and persevere amidst obstacles and circumstances. This requires individuals to have responsibility. We learn that nihilism wants to lead to irresponsibility, slothfulness, intemperance, envy, anger, and hate among other vices.

Viktor E. Frankl describes that individuals who have meaning and purpose are able to persevere even amidst opposition and difficult times. We learn that Viktor E. Frankl was able to persevere even when placed in four different concentration camps because he was able to keep a positive demeanor, placed a responsibility on himself to publish his first book's manuscript even when the book was confiscated, and have the responsibility to take care of his patients in the concentration camp. In one specific circumstance, Viktor E. Frankl was given the option to flee the concentration camp and leave his patients behind. Viktor E. Frankl decided to keep responsibility and stayed with his patients. This decision to be responsible also allowed him to persevere. Viktor E. Frankl described that after the removal from captivity, he had statistically calculated the probability of survival in a concentration camp. The odds were not very inspiring. Yet, Viktor E. Frankl persevered knowing that he had responsibility to keep going despite set-backs, opposition, and envy. We learn that Viktor E. Frankl kept being positive and described the importance of having gratitude, faith, a sense of humor, and perseverance amidst not so good times. This is because individuals have meaning and purpose that allows them to know that they can persevere. 

The Worship of GOD Almighty Allows For Improvement, Meaning, Purpose, and Development of Virtues

"The more one forgets himself-by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love- the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself. What is called self-actualization is not an attainable aim at all, for the simple reason that the more one would strive for it, the more he would miss it. In other words, self-actualization is possible only as a side-effect of self-transcendence."- Man's Search for Meaning (page 133)

We know that the worship of GOD Almighty helps us persevere regardless of times, obstacles, or circumstances. We learn that worshiping GOD Almighty and obedience to the commandments allows us to acknowledge that there is a Creator that is greater than ourselves. We learn that when we accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior we have filial love that prevents us from having negative emotions. We know that we begin to improve in virtues because faith prevents us from believing the temporary lies of sin. We learn that in the existential vacuum, individuals that believe in nihilism are led to boredom seeing that having no meaning and no purpose leads to boredom. The boredom then causes individuals to have a negative triad describing depression, aggression, and addiction. We learn that nihilism attempts to lead to falsely believe that pleasure or power helps. We learn that instead of helping, the illusion of power and attempting to use lust to derive pleasure leads to even greater difficulties. Viktor E. Frankl described that finding meaning in one's life is far more important and actually allows individuals to persevere amidst pleasant times or not so pleasant times. Having meaning and purpose allows individuals to have satisfaction, true joy, and develop resiliency.

"A statistical survey recently revealed that among my European students, 25 percent showed a more-or-less degree of marked existential vacuum. Among my American students it was not 25 percent but 60 percent. The existential vacuum manifests itself as a state of boredom."- Man's Search for Meaning (page 129)

Logotherapy Allows Individuals to Find Meaning and Purpose

"Having shown the beneficial impact of meaning orientation, I turn to the detrimental influence of that feeling of which so many patients complain today, namely of the feeling of the total and ultimate meaningless of their lives. They lack the awareness of a meaning worth living for."- Man's Search for Meaning (page 128)

We learn from Viktor E. Frankl that logotherapy is the name given to the therapy that occurs that allows individuals to find meaning and purpose in their lives. We learn that logotherapy helps because logotherapy goes to the heart of the problem when individuals have an existential vacuum. We learn that logotherapy sees the manner that individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives so that there is no existential vacuum, negative emotions, nor boredom. We learn that having meaning and purpose prevents individuals from having ingratitude, anger, envy, the existential vacuum, depression, aggression, and addiction. 

We learn that logotherapy can help individuals not have negative emotions and instead there is gratitude and improvement. Dr. Viktor E. Frankl states that he had seen the manner that individuals are able to significantly improve when they acknowledge and understand that there is meaning and purpose in their lives. We are able to know that we can not allow false lies of sin to lead to nihilism that attempts to question the importance of meaning and purpose. We learn that we do not question having meaning and purpose and instead we question nihilism and false philosophies of sin that do not help, do not improve individuals, and lead them to an existential vacuum. 

The Importance of Sovereignty

"Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant."

Viktor E. Frankl described the importance of acknowledging that we have sovereignty describing the manner that individuals have a choice to improve themselves and rise above their conditioning. This describes that we are able to repent of sin and choose to accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We are able to remove sin from our lives and choose to worship GOD Almighty above everything. We know that evil wants to make individuals believe that they have no sovereignty with the intention to lead to the practice of sin and vices. We know that each individual is given autonomy and the freedom to decide if they want to worship GOD Almighty above everything or not. This describes that we can not believe the temporary lies of evil that say that individuals do not have sovereignty and autonomy. We know that Viktor E. Frankl was able to persevere amidst persecution having the autonomy to decide to acknowledge the importance of meaning and purpose and persevere with courage. 

"Man is capable of changing the world for the better if possible, and of changing himself for the better if necessary."

We learn that Viktor E. Frankl chose to have valor and courage to persevere writing his books for the betterment of individuals. This is so that we choose to practice goodness and righteousness instead of wickedness and sin. We learn that Viktor E. Frankl was able to give logotherapy and provide the basis of Positive Psychology that helps us understand that we can improve each day instead of believing the temporary lies of evil that want individuals to think that they have no choice, autonomy, or freedom. We know that individuals are able to turn difficulties and obstacles into learning opportunities that help us improve and get better each day instead of having resentments, anger, and hate. We can choose to improve in the worship of GOD Almighty and keep persevering knowing that we grow in autonomy and sovereignty that prevents us from believing the temporary lies of evil that does not want individuals to improve themselves and help others. We know that evil prefers that individuals quarrel, hate, and envy so that they do not acknowledge the importance of serenity, sovereignty, and wisdom in the worship of GOD Almighty.

Monday, September 16, 2024

J.R.R. Tolkien

 J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien was the writer of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogy. We learn that he wrote about Christian themes in his books. The Hobbit described Bilbo Baggins and the hobbits that are able to persevere with wisdom and serenity. We learn that the Hobbit describes the importance of having dominion over one-self. We learn that over the span of the Hobbit books and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, J.R.R. Tolkien made the constant theme about the importance of removing sin from an individuals life in order to prosper.

We know that when individuals placed the ring in their finger in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, this symbolized the practice of sin. We learn that irrestrictive use of the ring caused individuals to lose touch with reality, becoming mad, and having negative emotions including anger and hate. We learn that when individuals decided to place on the ring, they would feel invisible and strengthened while the reality was that the ring caused weakness and diminishment.

We learn that Gollum was a negative character that was completely maddened by the use of the ring. We learn that J.R.R. Tolkien describes the importance of removing sin and removing the things that try to lead to the practice of sin. We learn that Gollum had thought that the ring was giving him powers when in reality it was diminishing him and destroying him. We learn that he changed from an individual that was plump and healthy to an individual that withered and was spiteful. 

We learn that the practice of sin attempts to cause individuals to lose their virtues and develop vices instead. We learn that the Lord of the Rings Trilogy describes the manner that there is also strength in restraining sin and negative emotions by having self-dominion. This means being able to remove sin from our lives and have courage to persevere in the path of righteousness without having vices. 

Albert Einstein

 Albert Einstein

"My only special talent is that I am passionately curious."

Albert Einstein was an individual that was not able to speak until he was nine years old. This did not deter Albert Einstein who was able to learn by himself advanced mathematics and physics. We learn that while he worked at a patent office in Zurich, Albert Einstein obtained his PhD in Physics and was able to write important papers about physics. We learn that he was able to discover the equation of energy relative to mass and the speed of light. We learn that he was also hated by the nazi socialists due to his humility and knowledge of physics.

We learn that Albert Einstein was able to persevere evading the socialists. We learn that there were nazi socialists that attempted to persecute Albert Einstein because of his ethnicity and knowledge. We learn that he was able to persevere when he received help from Allied Forces and was able to flee nazi Germany. We learn that while going through difficulties and persecution from the nazi socialists, Albert Einstein persevered.

"Great minds have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds."

We learn that Winston Spencer Churchill led Europe to fight against the nazi socialist forces. The Allied Forces were able to destroy the nazi socialists in the Second World War under the direction of Dwight D. Eisenhower. We learn that the Allied Forces were able to win the Second World War and describe how hate and racism have no place in civil society describing the need to remove socialism and communism that preaches hate. We learn that Albert Einstein was able to persevere.

We learn that when Israel was organized to be a new nation in 1947-1948, a few years later, Albert Einstein was asked if he would like to be president of Israel. We learn that Albert Einstein declined the position and instead chose to keep studying, writing, and educating about physics. We learn that Albert Einstein did not want to know anything about politics and instead wanted to keep studying and learning about Physics. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ronald Reagan

 Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States in the 1980s when the nation had seen the manner that failed fake "liberalism" that started as "peace and love" in 1969 became militant groups that practiced hate and envy seen in muslim hate groups, black panthers, and similar militant groups in the 1970s. Individuals saw the truth about fake "liberalism" that led to substance abuse, envy, hate, nihilism, atheism, socialism, and communism. We learn that individuals chose Ronald Reagen because of his true conservatism including wanting to prevent the United States from practicing socialism and communism. 

Ronald Reagen fought against socialism and communism seen in the Cold War and kept persevering. We learn that there were righteous and brave individuals that fought against socialism and communism seen in Pope John Paul II, Aleksandr Solzenitsyn, and Viktor E. Frankl. We learn that Ronald Reagen was able to persevere amidst opposition seeing how the Soviet Union appeared to be increasing into other nations and territories. We learn that Ronald Reagen kept fighting for liberty, capitalism, and freedom. 

We learn that Ronald Reagen went through an assassination attempt when he was shot from close range. We learn that Ronald Reagen survived the assassination attempt and even remarked to the surgeons before undergoing surgery, "I hope you are all Republicans." Ronald Reagen was able to endure and persevere so much so that he was able to tell the leader of the Soviet Union, Mr. Gorgachev, about the need to remove the Berlin wall that divided Western Berlin from Eastern Berlin. 

"Mr. Gorgachev, tear down that wall!"

We learn that Ronald Reagen did not get discouraged and kept describing the importance of guarding freedom and liberty from the lies of socialism and communism that do not help. We were able to see in the 1990s the fall of the Soviet Union and the manner that nations that were once communist decided to accept Christianity and true capitalism. We learn that multiple nations decided to forsake socialism and communism and instead choose Christianity and capitalism. We learn that this describes why we can not believe the temporary lies of socialism and communism that only cause stagnation. We learn that while it appeared that communism was increasing and reaching new nations, we learned that instead the Soviet Union collapsed and only lasted seventy years. We learn that Christianity and true capitalism allow improvements that prevent stagnation in the practice of sin and vices. We are able to understand that true filial love and genuine empathy exists in Christianity so that we do not believe the temporary lies of evil that try to lead to hate, envy, bitterness, and coveting. We are able to choose to prioritize the worship of GOD Almighty and remove idolatry from our lives. This describes choosing to worship GOD Almighty above everything including above "politics" in these times. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Jake Roberts

 Jake Roberts

Jake Roberts was a professional wrestler in the 1980s that was best known for having a fit and sculptured physique from body building, being champion, and speaking truth. Jake Roberts described the need to guard oneself from lust and sin. Jake Roberts gave testimonials about how there is the need to fight against sin and not practice sin. Being a professional wrestler in the 1980s and also champion caused Roberts to acquire fame and attention. We learn that after being in the wrestling circuit, he preached about the need to fight against lust and sin. Jake Roberts described the need to not believe the temporary lies of lust that want to lead to worse sin. 

In a testimonial, Jake Roberts described that lust does not want to remain small sin. He described how lust attempted to lead to worse and worse sin and does not lead to satisfaction or a sense of realization. Instead of being helped by lust, he described the need to fight lust since its intention is not to help individuals and instead to cause difficulties and the practice of worse sin. 

Jake Roberts described that lust attempted to lead to orgies and to the practice of sin. He described that with lust, one relationship was not enough and attempted to lead to fornication. Instead lust attempts to lead to polyamory and having multiple "relationships" where the intention is to practice lust. He described that he started with one relationship, and lust attempted to lead to more than one relationship and did not lead to satisfaction. This describes the manner that lust is not meant to help and instead it tries to lead to polyamorism and multiple "relationships" that are never enough. 

Jake Roberts' personal testimony about the lies of lust describe why individuals should obey the commandments and flee from idolatry, lust, fornication, adultery, orgies, and homosexuality. While evil attempts to say that the practice of fornication helps, we know that it is not the case. We learn that irresponsible fornication can lead to significant difficulties including antibiotic resistant STD's describing Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, envy and hate see in polyamorist "relationships", orgies and homosexual "relationships" leading to H.I.V., and A.I.D.S. We are able to learn from the times that we are living in that we are not supposed to practice sin, idolatry, lust, fornication, adultery, orgies, and homosexuality. We learn that there are significant difficulties in the practice of sin and vices. 

C. S. Lewis

 C. S. Lewis

"All that we call human history-money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery- is the long terrible story of a man trying to find something other than GOD that will make him happy."

C. S. Lewis was a professor of English that was an atheist. We learn from his story that C. S. Lewis converted to Christianity after researching and realizing that Christianity preaches truth and has logic. We learn that C. S. Lewis was an atheist prior to converting to Christianity. We learn that C. S. Lewis is know for being an atheist that converted to Christianity, his logical conclusions that Christianity preaches truth, being an English college professor, and also for writing fiction books that incorporated Christian themes.

C. S. Lewis wrote the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe series that describes the fictional place of Narnia. We learn that he also wrote a Space Saga that described Christian themes. Amidst the well received fiction books, Lewis was able to describe with logic and truth how Christianity speaks truth. He was able to describe the manner that Creation could not have been created unless there is a True GOD Almighty that created everything. We learn that he described the importance of logic in arguments that describe why atheism and nihilism do not make sense from a logical perspective.

We learn that C. S. Lewis described the manner that idolatry is the source of unhappiness and significant difficulties. We learn that the worship of GOD Almighty allows us to have gratitude, humility, gladness of heart, and wisdom to know that we do not need to practice sin. We know that when individuals practice sin, they are led through temporary lies of evil to practice even worse sin that only causes difficulties, stagnation, vices, woes, and destruction to the unrepentant wicked that do not repent. We learn that idolatry is based on temporary lies and deceit. Therefore, we should avoid idolatry and idol worship.

We learn that individuals that choose GOD Almighty above everything are able to persevere with blessings, favor, and goodness instead of anger, hate, and bitterness. We learn that the things of the world are temporary describing material resources and instead we are supposed to place our faith, trust, and confidence in the GOD of gods, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that we can not practice sin nor idol worship because there is nothing good in that. Instead we choose to persevere with eternal joy in having faith in the Creator of the Highest Heavens, lower heavens, earth, the universe, humanity, creation, and everything. GOD Almighty is LORD and Creator of everything. This wisdom prevents us from worshiping something that does not deserve the worship describing idolatry.

Louis Pasteur

  Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur was a scientist and discoverer of the germ theory. We learn that Louis Pasteur was able to figure out the mann...