Thursday, October 3, 2024

Priest Eziquio Trevizo

Priest Eziquio Trevizo

"This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad."- Psalm 118: 24

Priest Eziquio Trevizo was a priest who conducted the Sunday Mass in the city of Juarez. We learn that he was able to preach during his sermons and was able to describe the need to persevere with true joy and gladness of heart in the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that Eziquio Trevizo was able to describe the importance of persevering without practicing sin and idol worship. 

Priest Eziquio Trevizo was able to also write in the newspaper, El Diario de Juarez, of the city of Juarez. His writings were powerful and important because they described the need to have skepticism and the need to avoid sin and idol worship. His writings told of the need to not believe the temporary lies of evil that try to lead to the road of perdition. Priest Eziquio Trevizo wrote about not believing the deception of evil that wants individuals to be far part from GOD Almighty. He wrote with courage describing that we are supposed to believe in the Creator and LORD of all, GOD Almighty. We can not believe anything that evil says because it is based on temporary lies. He was able to write about making sure that we persevere practicing obedience to GOD Almighty far apart from the practice of sin and idol worship.

This is important because Priest Eziquio Trevizo was able to preach and write during the times between 2006-2012 when there were difficulties in the city of Juarez due to drug use and sin. Priest Eziquio Trevizo described the need to forsake the path of destruction that idol worship, drug use, sin, and vices try to lead to. He was able to preach and write with boldness and keep motivating the righteous to persevere describing the power of GOD Almighty in the lives of righteous individuals who obey the true GOD of gods, GOD Almighty.

We learn that Priest Eziquio Trevizo was able to preach about the importance of persevering in the worship of GOD Almighty while writing with authority and truth. We learn that when we make GOD Almighty our everything, we are able to persevere regardless of obstacles, times, or persecution. We learn that Priest Eziquio Trevizo was able to be a bold example of how the worship of King Jesus Christ helps us persevere without needing to practice idolatry nor sin. We also know that we do not need illicit drug use because it does not help. We are able to have motivation and encouragement knowing that there are righteous individuals that choose to improve in the worship of GOD Almighty instead of stagnating in vices that attempt to lead the unrepentant wicked to destruction.

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