Pope John Paul II
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"In order to set man free from fear of himself, of the world, of others, of earthly powers, of oppressive systems, in order to set him free from every manifestation of a servile fear... it is necessary to pray fervently that He will cultivate in his heart the true fear of GOD, which is the beginning of wisdom."- Crossing the Threshold of Hope (page 228)
Pope John Paul II described the importance of worshiping GOD Almighty with zeal and fidelity. We learn that he was able to be a priest and then was able to be pope in 1978. Pope John Paul II described the importance of obedience to GOD Almighty and also genuine empathy to mankind. We learn that Pope John Paul II preached about the importance of responsibility. While Pope John Paul II preached about the importance of King Jesus Christ and obedience to the commandments, there was opposition from communism and socialism.
"This fear of GOD is the saving power of the Gospel. It is a constructive, never destructive fear."
Pope John Paul II kept preaching and speaking truth even when there was opposition seen in communism. We learn from his book, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, about the opposition that existed in the socialists and communists that did not want him to preach at universities. We learn that even when they attempted to prevent him from preaching and speaking truth, Pope John Paul II persevered preaching Christianity. We learn that Pope John Paul II decided to honor the Creator, GOD Almighty, instead of listening to the discouragements and envy of the communists. We learn that Pope John Paul II was led by the worship of GOD Almighty and not by fear. We learn that instead Pope John Paul II chose to worship GOD Almighty than listen to the discouragements of a flawed communist false belief.
"The fear of GOD creates people who allow themselves to be led by responsibility, by responsible love."
We learn that Pope John Paul II had an assassination attempt in 1981 in Moscow when a sniper rifle bullet hit Pope John Paul II. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to recover from the assassination attempt and was able to keep preaching truth. We learn that Pope John Paul II even visited the individual that attempted to take his life. Pope John Paul II visited the individual in prison in Moscow. We learn that Pope John Paul II forgave the individual and described the power of forgiveness, genuine empathy, and preaching King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to persevere describing that there is no need for negative emotions describing hate, envy, resentments, and bitterness.
"Responsibility and responsible love creates set apart men and women-true Christians- to whom the future of the world ultimately belongs."
Pope John Paul II kept preaching even after the assassination attempt, and we learned that the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s. We learn that while there are multiple reasons describing why the Soviet Union collapsed, one of the main reasons included the positive example of Pope John Paul II being able to preach the filial love and genuine empathy of Christianity amidst the bitterness and hate that attempted to prevent Pope John Paul II from preaching. We were able to see that love conquers hate and that GOD Almighty is very active in the lives of human beings that are righteous. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to keep preaching decades later and describes the importance of having zeal, humility, responsibility, and most important of all fidelity to GOD Almighty.
Pope John Paul II Described That the Worship of GOD Almighty Allows Us to Free Ourselves From the Chains of Sin and Idol Worship
“Original sin attempts, then, to abolish fatherhood, destroying its light which permeate the created world, placing in doubt the truth about GOD who is Love and leaving man only with a sense of the master-slave relationship.”- (page 228)
Pope John Paul II described how the truth of Scripture describing the importance of worshiping GOD Almighty above everything allows us to be freed from the temporary lies of the snake. We learn that the snake attempts to tempt to the practice of sin and vices while promising “freedom” and “autonomy”. This is with the intention to lead to captivity and darkness. We learn that the snake states blatant lies that GOD Almighty is authoritarian and arbitrary. We know that we can guard our heart and mind against such lies because we know that GOD Almighty is not authoritarian nor arbitrary. Pope John Paul II described how the snake wants individuals to think that instead of the relationship with GOD Almighty being that between a Loving Father and a child, it is that of a master and slave. This is an obvious lie that speaks about the projections of the snake.
We are able to free ourselves from the temporary lies of evil by choosing to persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that the snake tells lies seen in the story of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Job, and Paul. We learn that if the snake is talking it is telling temporary lies. We learn that Pope John Paul II describes that the fear of the LORD allows us to persevere with true freedom and autonomy that prevents us from practicing sin and vices. We learn that the practice of sin and idol worship leads to the shackles of vices that lead to difficulties, negative emotions, and the destruction of the unrepentant wicked. We learn that Pope John Paul II spoke truth about how we can free ourselves and persevere being freed of fear, envy, anger, and coveting by choosing to worship GOD Almighty.
The Right to Life
"For man, the right to life is the fundamental right. And yet, part of contemporary culture has wanted to deny that right, turning it into an "uncomfortable" right, one that has to be defended. But there is no other right that so closely affects the very existence of the person! The right to live means the right to be born and then persevere to live..."- Crossing the Threshold of Hope (page 204-205)
Pope John Paul II described the importance of fighting for the right of human life. We learn that Pope John Paul II fought for the rights of newborns and the importance of obeying the commandments. We learn that the socialists and communists opposed Pope John Paul II attempting to prevent him from preaching in the universities of Poland. Pope John Paul II also described that the media attempted to argue against pro-life arguments with the intention to lead to the use of abortions in cases of unwanted pregnancies in the 1980s. We learn that Pope John Paul II fought against these irresponsible and foolish arguments that attempted to lead individuals to think that abortions are an option. Pope John Paul II fought against abortions and the killing of innocent unborn human life.
"The question of conceived and unborn children is a particularly delicate yet clear problem. The legalization of the termination of pregnancy is none other than the authorization given to an adult, with the approval of an established law, to take the lives of children yet unborn and thus incapable of defending themselves. It is difficult to imagine a more unjust situation, and it is very difficult to speak of obssession in a matter such as this, where we are dealing with a fundamental imperative of every good conscience-the defense of the right to life of an innocent and defenseless human being. Often the question is presented as a women's right to free choice regarding the life already existing inside her, that she carries in her womb: the woman should have the right to choose between giving life or taking it away from the unborn child. Anyone can see that the alternative here is only apparent. It is not possible to speak of the right to choose when a clear moral evil is involved, when what is at stake is the commandment Do not kill!"- (page 205)
Pope John Paul II did not waver in his commitment to speak truth and is one of the reasons why the socialists and communists did not like Pope John Paul II. We learn that Pope John Paul II kept preaching and writing truth that led to individuals learning about the filial love and genuine empathy that exists in the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that Christianity describes the importance of human life and that each individual has the right to live based on the commandments of Moses. We learn that the socialists kept attempting to persecute Pope John Paul II and when they could not prevent him from preaching, they attempted to assassinate him. Yet, he was able to persevere preaching, writing, and worshiping GOD Almighty recuperating from the gun shot wound of a socialist. Pope John Paul II did not become resentful or discouraged and instead persevered with high courage and unbreakable valor.
Guarding Human Rights and Fighting Against Disinformation and Deceit
"What are the human rights? It is evident that these rights were inscribed by the Creator in the order of creation, so we can not speak of concessions on the part of human institutions, on the part of states and international organizations. The Gospel is the fullest confirmation of all of human rights. Without it we can easily find ourselves be far from the truth about man."- (page 197)
We are able to understand that socialism and communism does not offer much to individuals seeing the manner that socialists and communists could not stand the reality of Pope John Paul II preaching truth, logic, wisdom, and filial love. We learn that he fought for the life of the unborn and even went through persecution for his faith. This allows us to understand why we can not be a part of evil, tyranny, and deceit that attempts to prevent individuals from seeing the beauty and wonders that GOD Almighty is able to accomplish. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to help individuals realize that GOD Almighty is a loving Father who cares about humanity. We learn that GOD Almighty wants to help us persevere and that we can not believe the temporary lies of the snake that want to cause negative emotions and resentment to lead to disobedience.
"The Redeemer confirms human rights simply by restoring the fullness of the dignity man received when GOD created him in His image and likeness."- (page 197)
In the 1990s and 2000s after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were also preachers and pastors that described how they attempted to preach in churches and how there was opposition. Despite the opposition, preachers described that they would be able to preach in churches in Russia and different nations that were formerly of the Soviet Union, and described how GOD Almighty allowed them to persevere speaking truth amidst hate and envy from false apostles and idolators that did not want preachers to speak truth. We learn that Pope John Paul II gave us an important example of how we can persevere with bravery and courage despite opposition, persecution, and envy.
Logic and Reason Confirm the Existence of GOD Almighty and Refutes Atheism and Nihilism
"The visible world, in and of itself, can not offer a scientific basis for an atheistic interpretation of reality. Instead, honest reflection does find sufficient elements in the world to arrive at the knowledge of GOD. In this sense the atheistic interpretation of reality is one-sided and tendentious."- (page 198)
Pope John Paul II described that he was able to speak with scientists and professors about the manner that we can understand that GOD Almighty exists. We learn that this wisdom prevents us from believing in false philosophies of hate and lust describing atheism and nihilism that socialism and communism derive from. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to preach about the manner that atheism does not make much sense from a point of view with logic and reason. We learn that Pope John Paul II described that atheism could not be argued for since there is logical reason and order that confirms the existence and absolute sovereign authority of GOD Almighty.
"I still remember those discussions. I also participated in many meetings with scientists, in particular with physicists, who, after Einstein, were quite open to a theistic interpretation of the world."- (page 199)
Pope John Paul II described that atheism is very one sided because there is no logic, reasoning, order, or filial love. There is arbitrariness and authoritarianism seen in the past regimes of socialism and communism that have never worked. We learn that we can persevere acknowledging the importance of logic, reasoning, truth, and order that exists. We learn that the creation of the world and the world has order. We know that GOD Almighty has established the order of creation concerning the earth seeing the sun, moon, stars, rivers, oceans, weather, seasons, and even with the planets and the universe. We learn that GOD Almighty established order in creation that allows us to acknowledge with learning and studying science that GOD Almighty is in absolute, infinite, and eternal authority over everything.
Pope John Paul II Described the Manner that the Fall of the Soviet Union Describes How GOD Almighty is Present in the Lives of Individuals
"By your question you confirm that in the fall of communism the action of GOD has been almost visible in the history of our country." (page 130)
In the 1990's, the Soviet Union collapsed. Pope John Paul II described that with the collapse of the Soviet Union, we were able to see the action of GOD Almighty in the lives of individuals. We learn that Pope John Paul II was important in the faltering of the Soviet Union because of his preaching. We learn that GOD Almighty is very present in the lives of Christians seeing the manner that nazi socialism only lasted thirty years and Soviet socialism only lasted seventy years. While it appeared that socialism was going to lead to difficulties in the 1940s with Hitler, the Allied Forces attacked and destroyed the persecution that the nazi socialists were engaging in. During the 1960-1990s with the Soviet Union, we learned that many nations from the Soviet Union decided to renounce socialism and communism for Christianity and capitalism. We learn that evil attempts to say that GOD Almighty is not present in the lives of individuals, yet with the fall of the Soviet Union, we can acknowledge the power of GOD Almighty. We learn that even the nazi socialists hated the Soviet socialists and the Soviet socialists hated the nazi socialists seen in how Hitler attacked Stalin during Russian winter. We also saw how socialism and communism are not viable forms of governance because it is based on envy and hate. We learn that Pope John Paul II was able to help us acknowledge the power of filial love and genuine empathy. In the 1990s, the Soviet Union faltered and became new nations that embraced Christianity and capitalism. The newer nations decided to renounce the temporary lies and deceit of socialism and communism.
"In fact, it was Leo XIII who in a certain sense predicted the fall of communism, a fall that would cost humanity and Europe dearly, since the medicine- he wrote in his encyclical of 1891- could prove more deadly than the disease itself." (page 131)
Pope John Paul II described that the supposed solution of socialism was actually worse than the disease. We learn that Pope Leo XIII predicted the fall of communism in the year 1891. While socialism and communism attempt to appear to be a solution to the injustices of hate and envy, it is actually the source of the hate and envy. We learn that idolatry is the source of difficulties, envy, and coveting. We learned from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn about the injustices that occured in Soviet Russia due to the envy and hate of Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, and their sycophantic "comrades" who professed the religion of envy and hate: socialism. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described the gulag system and the false accusations that led to loyal citizens and soldiers being sent to gulag for essentially being rational, civil, and truthful. We learned about a business owner who was arrested and sent to gulag for failing to keep applauding Stalin for more than ten minutes. The interrogator gave the business owner the suggestion and life advice to "never be the first to stop applauding." This describes the tyranny and totalitarianism that exists in socialism and communism and why we should keep persevering worshiping the true GOD of gods, GOD Almighty. While socialism and communism state that they are attempting to produce utopias, we know that the reality is very different. The supposed "utopias" without GOD Almighty end up being totalitarian stagnated dystopias.
Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.
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