Thursday, October 24, 2024

Saint Francis Xavier

Saint Francis Xavier 

"The sixteenth century is also the century of Saint Francis Xavier, whose missionary achievement was directed to the East-India and Japan in particular. He was enormously effective there, despite the strong resistence he encountered."

Saint Francis Xavier was able to preach King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior to the nations in the East. We learn from Pope John Paul II about the importance of Saint Francis Xavier in being able to preach to India and Japan. We learn that despite opposition, Saint Francis Xavier was able to preach King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that since King Jesus Christ resurrected and went up to the Highest Heavens, there was the instruction to preach the Gospel to Israel and the nations. 

We learn that King Jesus Christ was preached in the nations and keeps being preached. We learn that Christianity was preached in different regions of the world with Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius preaching to Eastern Europe. We know that there was Priest Matteo Ricci who preached to China. We learn that this describes the importance of prioritizing the worship of GOD Almighty over the temporary things of the world. We learn that Christianity keeps being preached to Israel and the nations consistent with King Jesus Christ's command to preach the Gospel.

We learn that there were individuals that preached in India and Japan. We learn that this describes the manner that GOD Almighty is able to help individuals preach truth described with Saint Francis Xavier who was able to be effective and preach the message of repentance of sin and acceptance of King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that even in regions of Asia, individuals have evangelized and helped spread the good news of eternal salvation in King Jesus Christ. We learn that Christianity has increased in India and Japan. This describes the power of preaching the Gospel.

We learn that despite the circumstances, times, and opposition, Christianity has kept increasing to the nations describing that King Jesus Christ spoke truth. We are able to see that Christianity has kept increasing to the nations and allows us to acknowledge that Christianity speaks truth. We learn that while there are lies from evil that try to question the truth, we learn that the opposition and discouragements to preach only confirm the manner that Christianity speaks truth. We learn that Christianity keeps being preached and helps us know that we can persevere speaking truth.

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