Interpretacion a otros lenguajes
In the beginning of the Church Age, we learn about the manner that King Jesus Christ told his disciples and apostles to preach to Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea, and to the ends of the world. We learn that the disciples and apostles preached to Israel and the world and Christianity increased to the nations and Israel. We learn that after the resurrection of King Jesus Christ, King Jesus Christ commanded his disciples and apostles to preach. We learn that even in the Roman empire there were individuals that were converted to Christianity describing the power of preaching. We learn that Cornelius converted to Christianity who was a roman soldier and citizen.
We learn that Cornelius did not practice idol worship and idolatry and instead chose to worship GOD Almighty. We learn that Cornelius accepts King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior after Cephas preaches to Cornelius in the Book of Acts. We learn about how even amidst persecution, the disciples and apostles preached and the nations of the world converted seen in the Greeks and also in Asia Minor.
We learn that in 96-98 A.D., Rome ended the persecution of Christianity and decided to accept Christianity as the official religion. This describes the power of King Jesus Christ who is the Ruler of kings on earth. We learn that Nerva was an emperor of Rome that decided to end persecution and instead accept Christianity. We learn that this led to Christianity being accepted and see the manner that Christianity helps individuals improve.
We learn about the wonders of Christianity in the manner that Eastern Rome persevered practicing Christianity for close to a thousand years while Western Rome that practiced idol worship, sin, and adultery only lasted four hundred years. We learn that the practice of sin and vices in Western Rome led to Western Rome being devastated by insurrections, riots, and the Vandals and Goths. We learn that this describes the importance of persevering in the worship of GOD Almighty and not practicing sin, idol worship, and vices.
Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.
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