Thursday, October 24, 2024

Priest Mateo Ricci

 Priest Mateo Ricci

"I have already mentioned that only a small percentage of Asia is Christian."

Pope John Paul II described the importance of Priest Mateo Ricci who was an individual that preached to China. We learn that China has also been able to receive the message of repentance of sin and acceptance of King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that even amidst persecution and difficulties, the Gospel keeps being preached to different regions of the world including China.

"The vitality of some of the Asian churches is remarkable-once again this is the result of persecution. It is particularly true in Korea, Vietnam, and recently, in China as well."

We know that there are righteous individuals that have preached the Gospel in different time periods including Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius who preached in the ninth century to Eastern Europe. We learn that Saint Francis Xavier preached in the sixteenth century in the East in India and Japan. We learn that Priest Mateo Ricci was able to preach to China. We learn that this describes the importance of preaching truth in King Jesus Christ. 

This allows us to know that we do not have to convert anyone, yet we do have to preach in order to allow individuals to know the truth so that they can repent of sin, accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, and obey the commandments of Moses. We learn that there are great individuals that have preached King Jesus Christ to the nations while practicing obedience to GOD Almighty describing the power of preaching truth. We learn that Christianity has increased in Asia where individuals have fervor and keep persevering despite opposition. We have seen the manner that despite persecution of churches in China, Christianity has increased tremendously. 

We learn that Christianity was preached and keeps being preached in Asia. We learn that Korea, Vietnam, and China have also obtained the message of the Gospel. We learn that while there has been opposition, the good news of the resurrection of King Jesus Christ keeps being preached around the world. We learn that in China, Christianity has kept increasing in the manner that individuals have seen the power of repentance of sin and the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that while there has been opposition, Christianity keeps increasing around the world.  

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