Thursday, October 24, 2024

Saint Methodius

 Saint Methodius

"They were apostles of the Slavs-they introduced the Gospel and at the same time laid the foundation of Slavic culture."

Pope John Paul II described the importance of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius who were able to help preach the Gospel in Russia in the ninth century. We learn that Saint Methodius was the brother of Saint Cyril. We learn that they helped write the Cyrilic alphabet that became the alphabet used for the Russian language and also for other nations. We learn that Saint Methodius was able to help preach Christianity to Russia. 

"To this day, many Slavic nations acknowledge them not only as teachers of the faith but also as fathers of their culture."

We learn that Saint Methodius along with Saint Cyril were able to preach King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that Christianity kept being preached and is still being preached around the world. We learn that King Jesus Christ stated that the Gospel would be preached to Israel and the nations. We learn that Paul was able to preach to the nations and evangelize nations outside of Israel including Greece consistent with the Sacred Scriptures. 

We learn that Christianity increased to other nations including Russia in the 9th century. We learn that Christianity was preached and there are churches in Russia describing the importance of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius in preaching King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that in Russia there are the Orthodox churches along with different Christian churches due to the preaching of apostles. 

We learn that this describes the manner that GOD Almighty cares about individuals not only in Israel and also in the nations who choose to accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that King Jesus Christ helps us to keep preaching truth and the need to repent of sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ spoke truth about the manner that He is able to help us persevere preaching so that individuals can have a chance to repent of sin and obtain eternal salvation accepting King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior.

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