B. Zdorovets
"B. Zdorovets from Olshany in Kharkov oblast got seven years of strict regime [gulag] for his faith."- (page 467)
We learn from the Gulag Archipelago that the Soviet Bolsheviks also persecuted believers in the 1960s. We learn that faithful believers were persecuted for their faith in GOD Almighty described in the stories of Yevgeni M. Sirokhin, Zhenya, and Bazbei. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that after publishing One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the truth about gulag and socialism began to be understood. We learn that in the 1960s, believers were still persecuted for their faith, yet remained steadfast regardless of the opposition from Soviet Bolshevik socialists.
In the story of Yevgeni M. Sirokhin, the Soviets wanted to take away the children of Yevgeni even when he was a disabled veteran who had served in the Second World War fighting against the nazi socialists and was successfully bringing up his children in the faith. In the story of Bazbei, the Soviets attempted to remove Bazbei's children by falsely accusing him of falsehoods. One of his daughters was bribed and promised entry into a higher institution of learning if she spoke lies about her father. When she retracted from the lies, the corrupt Soviet judge removed her new testimony describing how she had been told to lie by the Soviets.
B. Zdorovets was given seven years in gulag for having faith in GOD Almighty. Zdorovets did not renounce his faith and kept persevering despite the attempts of the Soviet Bolshevik socialists to cause opposition. There were righteous believers who kept their faith despite the opposition from the socialists who hated zealousness, responsibility, industriousness, and fidelity seen in the previous stories. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described how faithful believers persevered in their faith despite the envy of socialism. We learn that there were individuals that persevered in their faith and after being released from gulag served years in exile in another nation. This was with the intention to prevent faithful Christians from going back to Soviet Russia to speak truth.
A seventy-six-year old believer named, Y. V. Arend, also was placed in gulag for his faith despite his age. This is interesting noting that the socialists were persecuting righteous faithful believers without reason. Despite the difficulties, faithful individuals persevered in the faith and the Soviet Union along with gulag began disintegrating in the 1960s leading to the eventual defeat of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. We learn that socialism did not produce industry or necessities and instead was based on stealing and temporary lies. In the 1990s, the Soviet Union collapsed. The Soviet Union only lasted seventy years. This describes the power of GOD Almighty of judging wickedness and helping the righteous persevere.
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