Boris Vinogradov
“He was a quiet worker, dedicated friend, and only in heart-to-heart conversation would he disclose that he believed, believes, and will go on believing. And he never wore it on his sleeves.”- (page 240–241)
Boris Vinogradov was a righteous individual that was hard working and industrious. Vinogradov was a studious and righteous individual that became the organizer of the Moscow Institute for Railroad Engineering. We learn that during the time of the start of the Second World War, the people of Moscow had stayed in Moscow regardless of the German nazi threat. There were stories of how the nazi socialists were attempting to take Moscow from Soviet Russia. We learn that the citizens of Moscow decided to stay in the city while the Soviet Bolshevik bureaucrats decided to flee to safer cities of the Soviet Union.
Vinogradov had stayed in Moscow being in charge of the Moscow Institute of Railroads. We learn that with the start of the Second World War and infighting between nazi socialists and Soviet bolshevik socialists, Vinogradov was looking to get instructions on a question he had concerning his work. Vinogradov telephoned for instructions on a question he had concerning work and no one answered. We learn that then Vinogradov went to the District Party Committee, the City Party Committee, and Provincial Party Committee to ask for clarification and no one was there. Vinogradov then returned to his work with his workers and stated that while the leaders had run away, they were going to stay in Moscow.
To this, there most likely was a denunciation written against Vinogradov for stating that the leaders of the District, City, and Provincial Party Committees had run away from Moscow. Vinogradov was sent to gulag because he spoke truth and a sycophant was offended at the truth. It is well known that the Soviet Bolshevik bureaucrats fled from Moscow during the initial times of the Second World War in October 1941. The false accusation stated that Vinogradov had conducted Anti-Soviet Propaganda for speaking truth.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describes that Vinogradov was quiet, dedicated, and a faithful believer. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described righteous faithful individuals that were impressive and caused him to renounce idolatry. Vinogradov was another faithful believer who was industrious and hard working who was envied by the Soviet Bolsheviks for speaking truth. Vinogradov was intelligent, industrious, and a dedicated person who worked hard. For speaking truth about staying in Moscow regardless of the circumstances, he was envied. We learn that he did not lie and for that was persecuted by the Soviet Bolsheviks.
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