Sunday, July 16, 2023

Michelangelo di Lodovico

 Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni


“The true work of art is but the shadow of divine perfection.” – Michelangelo


Michelangelo is considered the quintessential “Renaissance Man”. A  person that was a polymath, or individual capable at excelling at multiple subjects through dedication and persistent determination. He had a voracious curiosity that so few channeled into creativity. Michelangelo learned multiple languages, sculpted, painted, served as an architect, and wrote multiple poems among other activities. This example alone shows us what the human potential is capable of achieving if only it is perfected through careful observation and dedication to worthwhile activities.


“There is no greater harm than that of wasted time.” – Michelangelo


Among the many amazing works of art include the David and the Pieta. Among the fascination that these works inspire are the human-like form that Michelangelo was able to create from sight. The Pieta demonstrated a saddened Mary holding on to Jesus’ body after suffering the crucifixion. Both the David and the Pieta show the amount of realism that can exist in art. We can see the divinity of GOD’S creation in the artist’s work.


“Many believe- and I believe that I have been designated for this work by GOD. In spite of my old age, I do not want to give it up; I work out of love for GOD and I put all my hope in Him.” – Michelangelo


Michelangelo was a man of faith who devoted himself to his work. He perfected his craft through countless hours of attempting the same strokes over and over until he painted exactly as his mind imagined his art to be. His level of detail and perfection is rarely seen even in today’s post-modern art which boasts the most amount of materials to produce masterpieces.  Michelangelo had a strong calling to do his best at everything that he attempted.


“Genius is eternal patience.” – Michelangelo

Michelangelo took hours upon hours of his days making sure his artwork was in accordance with his mind’s plans. He had to have some form of patience in order to reach what he reached. Painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel must have been no easy feat, yet he was able to accomplish one of art’s best pieces. Michelangelo could be said to have had sheer brilliance in everything he partook, but patience must have been among his greatest virtues along with his humility and faith in GOD.

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