Sunday, July 16, 2023

Spencer Churchill

 Spencer Churchill


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston S. Churchill


Winston Spencer Churchill was born in November 30, 1874. He was to become the most important, defiant, and mentally strong leader of the Western world for the 20th century. Among the many adjectives that could describe Winston Churchill, being headstrong in a positive way allowed him to defend the liberties of those in the Western world. When Nazi Germany invaded Europe and terrified the world with the enormous signs of destruction, Winston Churchill refused to capitulate. Of all the English leaders in Parliament, Winston Churchill, was the only leader to refuse to sign a treaty with the German leaders. While several English leaders feared Germany and wished to pacify it through forfeiture of sovereignty, Churchill decided to mount a defense to the German might.


“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill


When most Europe lay crumbling from the attacks of the German armies in World War II, Churchill decided to mount a resistance. He wrote extensively to the United States in favor of getting much needed equipment to defend democracy. He wrote a speech to unite England against the tyranny of the time. He decided to mount soldiers in strategic points to allow time for reinforcements to arrive. To say the least, this will to fight despite all obstacles makes Churchill stand as a defender of Western History.


“Never, never, never, give up.” – Winston Churchill


And what else could we expect from a self-made man. He learned to write, read, and continued to excel at everything he placed his mind to. Churchill was known to write extensively on multiple subjects from the time he acted as a war correspondent, writing about his experiences in his British army service, to his experiences flying airplanes. Winston Churchill enjoyed living and enjoyed breaking limits. We know so much about him due to his extensive writing ability and volumes of information that he would dictate or write himself. He made sure that his ideas were recorded but also made sure to have fun while at it. Such men are able to lead when history calls for it.


“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill


A man of many successes but also of failures. It is impossible to recount the amount of times he was criticized for simply existing. People forgot about  him after freeing the Western world from German Nazi destruction. He was often ridiculed by his own party or by the opposition party but he remained calm and collected. When a woman complained that he was a drunkard, Winston quickly quipped, “I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober while you will be ugly.” Such quick wit and mental fortitude shows that no one was allowed to have fun at the expense of Churchill.


“If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

Despite all his supposed eccentricities and peculiarities, Winston Churchill was a leader than united a nation that wanted to fear the enemy. Churchill inspired greatness and fortitude even in the most trying times. His famous speech shows what kind of a man he was. A man that always places one foot in front of the other and continues, no matter the circumstances. A man who did not look to inspire pity or fear but rather unity and cohesion. By resisting World War II Germany, Churchill decided to embrace truth and protect history from being ravaged by evil doctrines. Even after England suffered terrible losses of life through the defense of Europe, it gave time for a nation to come to its rescue and the rest … well here we are speaking English, enjoying a representative democratic republic, with liberties.

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