Friday, November 29, 2024

C. S. Lewis

 C. S. Lewis

Interpretacion a otros lenguajes

"All that we call human history-money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery- is the long terrible story of a man trying to find something other than GOD that will make him happy."

C. S. Lewis was a professor of English that was an atheist. We learn from his story that C. S. Lewis converted to Christianity after researching and realizing that Christianity preaches truth and has logic. We learn that C. S. Lewis was an atheist prior to converting to Christianity. We learn that C. S. Lewis is know for being an atheist that converted to Christianity, his logical conclusions that Christianity preaches truth, being an English college professor, and also for writing fiction books that incorporated Christian themes.

C. S. Lewis wrote the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe series that describes the fictional place of Narnia. We learn that he also wrote a Space Saga that described Christian themes. Amidst the well received fiction books, Lewis was able to describe with logic and truth how Christianity speaks truth. He was able to describe the manner that Creation could not have been created unless there is a True GOD Almighty that created everything. We learn that he described the importance of logic in arguments that describe why atheism and nihilism do not make sense from a logical perspective.

We learn that C. S. Lewis described the manner that idolatry is the source of unhappiness and significant difficulties. We learn that the worship of GOD Almighty allows us to have gratitude, humility, gladness of heart, and wisdom to know that we do not need to practice sin. We know that when individuals practice sin, they are led through temporary lies of evil to practice even worse sin that only causes difficulties, stagnation, vices, woes, and destruction to the unrepentant wicked that do not repent. We learn that idolatry is based on temporary lies and deceit. Therefore, we should avoid idolatry and idol worship.

We learn that individuals that choose GOD Almighty above everything are able to persevere with blessings, favor, and goodness instead of anger, hate, and bitterness. We learn that the things of the world are temporary describing material resources and instead we are supposed to place our faith, trust, and confidence in the GOD of gods, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that we can not practice sin nor idol worship because there is nothing good in that. Instead we choose to persevere with eternal joy in having faith in the Creator of the Highest Heavens, lower heavens, earth, the universe, humanity, creation, and everything. GOD Almighty is LORD and Creator of everything. This wisdom prevents us from worshiping something that does not deserve the worship describing idolatry.


Criticism of Bureaucracies

"I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of 'Admin'. The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid 'dens of crime' that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally, enough my symbol for hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.'"- Technopoly written by Neil Postman (page 84)

C. S. Lewis described that one of the biggest problems of the world were bureaucracies along with Tocqueville. We learn that C. S. Lewis described that the bureaucracies tend to lead to difficulties and are not helpful. C. S. Lewis described that the embodiment of evil were essentially bureaucracies. This describes the manner that they attempt to "appear" to cause "efficiency" while actually preventing true efficiency. We learn that there is envy from certain bureaucracies that have existed when private individuals are able to improve and make better either based on innovation, invention, integrity, morality, determination, discipline, and truth. We learn that there are stories of individuals that were able to create and innovate while the bureaucracies attempted to prevent innovations from being created. There was the example of a new drug that the FDA prevented from being authorized and approved that had passed all four clinical research study stages lasting 8-10 years and helped with muscular dystrophy (can not recall if it was muscular dystrophy or maesthenia gravis). Yet the drug was not approved by the FDA

The criticism is not rare seen in the manner that even Tocqueville who was impressed by America's insistence on freedom, responsibility, logical reasoning, and autonomy also wrote about the dangers of bureaucracies. We learn that the bureaucracies that are not helpful are because they try to prevent individuals from improving. We learn that even John F. Kennedy spoke about the dangers of bureaucracies. We learn that there has been extensive criticism about bureaucracies knowing that they tend to prevent individuals from improving while creating barriers and opposition to innovation. We learn that we are supposed to persevere without being deceived by false individuals who "appear" to want to help when in reality, they are attempting to prevent competition and innovation from occurring seen in socialist and communist nations of the past. We can trace bureaucracies to socialism, communism, and "monopoly" capitalism false ideologies. 

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