Monday, September 9, 2024

Jake Roberts

 Jake Roberts

Interpretacion a otros lenguajes

Jake Roberts was a professional wrestler in the 1980s that was best known for having a fit and sculptured physique from body building, being champion, and speaking truth. Jake Roberts described the need to guard oneself from lust and sin. Jake Roberts gave testimonials about how there is the need to fight against sin and not practice sin. Being a professional wrestler in the 1980s and also champion caused Roberts to acquire fame and attention. We learn that after being in the wrestling circuit, he preached about the need to fight against lust and sin. Jake Roberts described the need to not believe the temporary lies of lust that want to lead to worse sin. 

In a testimonial, Jake Roberts described that lust does not want to remain small sin. He described how lust attempted to lead to worse and worse sin and does not lead to satisfaction or a sense of realization. Instead of being helped by lust, he described the need to fight lust since its intention is not to help individuals and instead to cause difficulties and the practice of worse sin. 

Jake Roberts described that lust attempted to lead to orgies and to the practice of sin. He described that with lust, one relationship was not enough and attempted to lead to fornication. Instead lust attempts to lead to polyamory and having multiple "relationships" where the intention is to practice lust. He described that he started with one relationship, and lust attempted to lead to more than one relationship and did not lead to satisfaction. This describes the manner that lust is not meant to help and instead it tries to lead to polyamorism and multiple "relationships" that are never enough. 

Jake Roberts' personal testimony about the lies of lust describe why individuals should obey the commandments and flee from idolatry, lust, fornication, adultery, orgies, and homosexuality. While evil attempts to say that the practice of fornication helps, we know that it is not the case. We learn that irresponsible fornication can lead to significant difficulties including antibiotic resistant STD's describing Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, envy and hate see in polyamorist "relationships", orgies and homosexual "relationships" leading to H.I.V., and A.I.D.S. We are able to learn from the times that we are living in that we are not supposed to practice sin, idolatry, lust, fornication, adultery, orgies, and homosexuality. We learn that there are significant difficulties in the practice of sin and vices. 

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