Louis Pasteur
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Louis Pasteur was a scientist and discoverer of the germ theory. We learn that Louis Pasteur was able to figure out the manner that germs caused sickness and that the process of producing milk from cows required heat to prevent sickness. We know that unpasteurized milk can cause sickness in individuals. We learn that milk first needed to be heated in order to remove any microbes or bacteria that can cause sickness. We know that this was during the 1800s that germ theory was discovered by Louis Pasteur.
We know that there have been myths and fake stories about how the Europeans knew that they had brought blankets covered with germs to the New World being that germ theory was not discovered until the 1800s. We know that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. This describes that germ theory was not known at the time of the explorers in the 1500s. We know that they were seeking to preach to the New World so that individuals could accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, repent of sin, and obey the commandments to obtain eternal salvation in King Jesus Christ. We know that we are not supposed to believe temporary lies from false sources. We know that schools and churches were planted in the New World by missionaries that helped provide stability and serenity so that everyone could thrive and improve.
We learn that Louis Pasteur was able to discover the germ theory allowing us to know that there is bacteria, microorganisms, parasites, and fungi that exist that are microscopic. The only manner to view the microorganisms is through the help of microscopes and lenses. We know that the microbiome of individuals consist of many different microorganisms and bacteria. Some are helpful and others that are not. However this was not discovered after the 1800s. We learn that germ theory allows us to know about the importance of science while at the same time knowing that we prioritize the worship of GOD Almighty. We know that while science can help explain specific questions, we know that science is flawed and not perfect. We know that science can not explain everything because it is not perfect. We know that GOD Almighty is perfect and helps us know that we need to have faith in GOD Almighty to help us persevere.
We know that in these times we can learn about science while at the same time having healthy skepticism due to the questions that have surfaced concerning covid "vaccines", the efficacy, the number of vaccinations needed to be considered "fully vaccinated", the source of the covid "virus", the source of the covid "variants", the need to vaccinate when the vaccine was created in nine months without having 8-10 years of research, and the side effects of the vaccine. We know that there are a large number of questions that allow us to practice healthy scientific skepticism while trusting in GOD Almighty above everything. We know that we can learn about science without letting science be everything.
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