Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Andrew Fleming

 Andrew Fleming

Andrew Fleming was a scientist that was able to discover penicillin in the last century. We know that penicillin was a great medical discovery because it served as a first line of defense against bacterial infections. We learn that penicillin helped against specific bacterial infections that were difficult to treat. Penicillin was considered a great medical drug that could cure certain types of bacterial infections with relative ease. 

We learn that Andrew Fleming discovered penicillin accidently by realizing that fungi can create penicillin that combats bacterial infection. We were able to learn that penicillin was one of the greatest medical discoveries of the last century because it helped combat specific diseases that were difficult to treat including tuberculosis, staph infections, and strep infections. We learn that tuberculosis infections were significantly difficult to treat prior to penicillin. 

We learned that penicillin was able to be produced from fungi and the manner that bacterial infections could be cured with medication. Penicillin was the drug of choice to treat bacterial infections along with its alternatives including ampicillin and similar medications. The different types of antibiotic medication helped tremendously against bacterial infections. 

We learn that with the rise of polyamorism and non-monogamous relationships in the past decade, there also has been a rise of sexually transmitted diseases that have modified and have new strains and variants. We learned in the past decade that Chlamydia, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea have different strains that have been modified due to the practice of polyamorist and adulterous relationships. We also learned that the new strains of sexually transmitted diseases are resistant to antibiotics including penicillin. We learn that penicillin, that was created in the past century, does not do anything against new strains of sexually transmitted diseases. This describes the importance of guarding oneself from polyamorous relationships that are actually adultery and also understand the manner that sin does not help individuals. We can guard ourselves from lust, fornication, and adultery knowing that there are sexually transmitted diseases that do not have a cure. This allows us to persevere acknowledging that relationships are meant to be monogamous and also that due to the different strains of antibiotic resistant sexually transmitted diseases, we can persevere without practicing fornication, adultery, and idolatry. We learn that relationships are meant to be monogamous, and if there is no intention to start families, especially in the times that we live in, we can persevere with obedience to the commandments acknowledging that we do not practice sin. We learn that marriages are with the intention to start families and if there is no intention to be married or start families, there is no need for irresponsible sex outside the marriage. This wisdom allows us to persevere without difficulties that are not needed. 

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