Liutenant Pavel Chulpenyev
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There are specific stories in the Gulag Archipelago about individuals that decided to not go along with socialism and communism. We learn that there were individuals that decided to speak truth and were able to understand that socialism and communism is not what it appears to be. There are several stories that describe the discrepancies of the Soviet Union and the envy that existed. In the story of Liutenant Pavel Chulpenyev, we learn about a loyal Liutenant soldier that was envied by another socialist individual.
Liutenant Pavel Chulpenyev was a bold individual that was loyal to the Soviet Union. An individual named Lozovsky asked Liutenant Pavel Chulpenyev specific questions about the war against Germany. We learn that Liutenant Pavel Chulpenyev answered the questions of Lozovsky who then went and wrote a denunciation to the answers that Liutenant Pavel Chulpenyev gave. This was with the intention to get rid of Liutenant Pavel Chulpenyev due to the envy Lozovsky had against Chulpenyev concerning the affection of some woman.
Lozovsky asked why the forces were retreating against the Germans? Chulpenyev gave honest answers regarding how the Germans had reached the specific region earlier than the Soviets and had more military tanks and troops. Chulpenyev answered with honesty and to this, Lozovsky went to write a denunciation to the Komsomol slandering and falsely accusing Chulpenyev of betraying the Soviets. Chulpenyev had done nothing wrong and instead Lozovsky was envious of Chulpenyev.
"Chulpenyev was summoned before the Political Branch of the division and expelled from the Komsomol: for a defeatist attitude, for praising German equipment, for belittling the strategy of our High Command."- (page 118)
Chulpenyev was taken to gulag because of the denunciation. Chulpenyev was falsely accused, and there was one confrontation between both where Lozovsky was asked if he knew Chulpenyev. After Lozovsky said yes to knowing Chulpenyev that was enough for Lozovsky to leave. Their previous conversation was not asked. Chulpenyev was sent to gulag. Chulpenyev was asked to repeat his answers to the questions asked. Chulpenyev stated the answers and still did not know what he was being accused of. He described that people talked in that manner and then was asked, 'Who talked like that? Give us their names?" This story describes the manner that envious individuals attempted to falsely accuse other individuals of sedition and treason when they had done nothing wrong. The story describes that Chulpenyev described that he was not a traitor and for him to be given an assignment against Germany that would guarantee that he was not a traitor. Chulpenyev wanted an assignment that would describe his loyalty against the enemies of the Soviet Union with the individual who had falsely accused him. To this the Soviet socialists denied the request. This describes that the socialist Soviets did not really care about truth, patriotism, or fraternity, and instead sent people to gulag for no reason.
"But Chulpeneyev was not of their breed! He had the last word. '...Give me an assignment that will mean my death so as to assure itself once more of my patriotism... Me and the person who slandered me-both of us together."- The Gulag Archipelago (page 119)
Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.