Patriarch Tikhon
Interpretacion a otros lenguajes
“The staunch Patriarch warned them, “...for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. (Matthew 26: 52). But at that time it seemed absurd, impossible! How could they imagine at that time that History sometimes does know revenge…” (page 245)
We learn that while the Soviet Bolsheviks attempted to "appear benevolent" saying that they were trying to help the working class, they were actually persecuting the working class. We learn that the Soviet Bolsheviks wanted to remove faith, history, art, science, literature, and replace it with government worship. Patriarch Tikhon who was the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, was persecuted in 1918, and described that the persecution of believers would essentially lead to the destruction of the wicked seen in King Jesus Christ's reproof of violence describing that those who kill by the sword are themselves killed by the sword. This describes that GOD Almighty is aware of the sin committed and is able to judge when GOD Almighty decides. We learn that this reproof describes how there is justice by GOD Almighty in destroying murderers and idolators. We learn that the own Bolsheviks ended up persecuting Bolsheviks. In Soviet Russia, the socialists persecuted socialists. (Also, the nazi socialists fought against the Soviet socialists.)
This describes the truth of King Jesus Christ and the manner that Patriarch Tikhon judged the Soviets in 1918 describing the deceit and murders of the Soviet Bolsheviks. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn questioned how the Germans were able to denounce the nazi socialists who were murderers and evildoers through the Nuremberg Trials while the Soviets had difficulty denouncing the injustices of Stalin. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was able to see that there was justice in the manner that even Bolshevik sycophants were themselves falsely accused and sent to gulag. We are able to read about stories of Soviet socialists that were sent to gulag and had to labor in camps based on false accusations and envy being that they were loyal to the Soviet state.
We learn that GOD Almighty makes justice because Lenin was sent to exile by Stalin, and Stalin would also later be sent to exile and died prior to the 1960s. We learn that righteous believers were either persecuted to martyrdom or persevered through persecution, yet Christianity kept being preached. We learn that the Soviet Union did not help its citizens and declined significantly after the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn were published. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn writes about the importance of integrity despite the adversity, circumstances, and envy that he went through.
While being sent to gulag being a Lenin socialist, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn would renounce socialism based on the lies seen of the Soviets, wonder and amazement of seeing righteous Christians persevere despite persecution, and the realization that there is justice and the need to practice integrity despite the iniquity that is in the world. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn renounced idolatry for the worship of King Jesus Christ. We learn that Christianity kept and keeps being preached to Russia and Europe and the manner that the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s and became independant states where most nations have Christian churches and prefer capitalism.
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