Sunday, February 23, 2025



Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that despite the persecution, opposition, and envy from Soviet Bolshevik socialists, righteous faithful Christians kept persevering in the faith. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described with optimism that despite the persecution that happened in the 1920-1960s described in the Gulag Archipelago, it was most likely that righteous Christians persevered with their zealous faith until martyrdom, escape from gulag through escape attempts, or freedom from completing their sentence and being exiled to another nation outside of Soviet Russia.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that despite the opposition, there were individuals that attempted to escape gulag. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that it was more likely that an individual attempted to escape gulag than to commit suicide. This describes the optimism that exists in Christianity. We learn that there are stories of individuals that escaped gulag successfully. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describes multiple stories of individuals attempting to escape gulag. This is interesting noting that righteous individuals wanted to keep living despite the opposition of the envious Soviets.

One such story is the story of Kuzikov-Skachinsky who successfully escaped gulag. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that the individuals that successfully escaped gulag did not speak of their stories and also did not attempt to give interviews. The individuals would change their names and keep themselves in hiding from the Soviet Bolshevik socialists. Kuzikov-Skachinsky gave his story only because he was captured by the Soviets in 1959. Kuzikov-Skachinsky had escaped gulag successfully in 1942. He was able to live seventeen years free from gulag. There are other similar stories of individuals who escaped gulag and describe the valor and audacity to persevere despite the envy and hate of Soviet Bolshevik socialists.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described that although he did not have statistics to prove his theory, he described that there were more escapes from gulag from individuals than suicide attempts. This story helps us have optimism knowing that individuals chose to keep fighting and persevering rather than quit life. We learn that righteous Christians in the Soviet Union persevered either until martyrdom from exhaustion from working in gulag in arctic weather or being shot, escape from gulag through successful escape attempts, or completing their time in gulag and receiving freedom. This allows us to know that despite opposition, there were individuals that kept persisting despite the adversities. 

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