Yevgeny M. Sirokhin
"Yevgeny M. Sirokhin, a (Group I) disabled veteran of the Fatherland War, blind in both eyes, was sentenced in the village of Sokolovo, Zmievski district, Kharkov oblast, to three years in a camp for bringing up his children Lyuba, Nadya, and Raya as Christians, and they were taken away from him by court order.”- (page 467)
Yevgeny M. Sirokhin is another individual that was envied and hated by the Soviet Bolshevik socialists. Yevgeny M. Sirokhin fought in the Second World War against the socialist nazis. Yevgeny became blind in both eyes after serving in the Second World War. Yevgeny went on to have a family and had three children. The Soviet Bolsheviks did not care that Yevgeny M. Sirokhin was a disabled war veteran, and falsely accused him so that the socialists could take away his children.
Similar to the story of Bazbei and Zhenya, the Soviet Bolsheviks hated stable families that persevered in the worship of GOD Almighty. The Soviet Bolshevik socialists attempted to take away his children. This is interesting because while the socialists “appeared” to want to help the “working class” and the “proletariats”, they were persecuting hard working individuals including disabled veterans who were taking care of their children.
This is because Yevgeny was instructing his children in the Christian faith. This story helps us understand that socialism does not try to help anyone and that it did not even respect disabled veterans who risked their lives fighting in the Second World War. There are other stories that describe how socialism did not look to help anyone. From the other stories, the understanding was that socialism did not want individuals to instruct the Christian faith.
However, in the story of Yevgeny who was industrious despite his disability, the Bolshevik socialists were still envious. We can learn from history the manner why socialism is the worst method of governance and has been a failure everywhere it has been tried. This is seen in multiple stories of the Gulag Archipelago that describe how socialism and communism is not what they appear to be. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described in great detail why the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s.
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