Monday, August 19, 2024

Martin Luther

 Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a preacher and reformer that helped reform the Catholic church when there were specific practices that were inconsistent with Scripture. We learn that Martin Luther described the need to reform specific actions of the Catholic church including the removal of indulgences that were never a part of Scripture. In the times of Martin Luther, the Catholic church had accepted money in order to forgive sins. We learn that this practice is not from the Sacred Scriptures and was not approved by righteous individuals.

We learn that in the time of Martin Luther, the Catholic church had accepted indulgences that described the removal of sins through the exchange of money. We learn that this was never described in the Sacred Scriptures and was an unrighteous practice that was used. We learn that evil attempts to corrupt, and there is the need to resist sin and fight against evil. We are able to persevere with righteousness, zeal, humility, and fidelity to GOD Almighty.

Martin Luther wrote a large letter and placed it in the door of the Catholic church describing serious reforms that were needed so that there was no iniquity and corruption. We learn that Martin Luther described the importance of righteousness and the need to change specific actions that were not based on Scripture. We learn that with the creation of the Gutenberg press, individuals were able to mass print the Sacred Scriptures, and the Sacred Scriptures became the most read book of all time. 

We learn that Martin Luther described the importance of reading and studying the Sacred Scriptures. There is nothing wrong with religion if it helps individuals persevere in the faith. The problem with false "religion" happens when it attempts to cause individuals to stray from the true faith. Martin Luther described the need to preach based on the Sacred Scriptures. We learn that Martin Luther had opposition from individuals that were not righteous and most likely added additional things that the Sacred Scriptures never stated. We learn that this time period led to the Reformation period where individuals learned about the importance of reading and studying Scripture for themselves while also practicing righteousness and fidelity to GOD Almighty.

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