Tuesday, August 20, 2024

St. Ambrose of Milan

 St. Ambrose of Milan

"Nature knows no rich, since she brings forth all men poor. For we are born without clothes and are brought forth without silver and gold. Naked she brings us to the light of day, and in want of food and covering and drink; and naked the earth receives back what she has brought forth, nor can she stretch man's tombs to cover their possessions."

St. Ambrose was the mentor and friend of St. Augustine. We learn that St. Augustine wrote about the importance of worshiping GOD Almighty above everything and the importance of speaking truth. St. Ambrose of Milan described the importance of humility to fight against greed, avarice, and coveting. We learn that Christianity describes the need to remove vices and prevent vices from developing while we grow in virtues instead. 

"But why do you think that, even while you live, you have abundance of all things? Rich man, you know not how poor you are, how destitute you would seem even to yourself, who call yourself wealthy. The more you have, the more you want; and whatever you may acquire, you nevertheless remain as needy as before. Avarice is inflamed by gain, not diminished by it." 

St. Ambrose has writings that describe the importance of developing humility and temperance so that we do not practice envy, avarice, and greed that attempt to lead to the practice of grave sin. We learn that righteous individuals in the Sacred Scriptures are able to have gratitude to GOD Almighty above everything and are able to persevere without envy and coveting. We learn that Job was able to persevere with abundance or without resources because he decided to worship GOD Almighty above everything. This describes the importance of placing the worship of GOD Almighty above everything including resources. 

This describes the importance of being grateful to GOD Almighty for the good things that we have including favor, blessings, health, virtues that keep increasing in the worship of GOD Almighty, protection from sin, evil, and envy, being able to persevere with salvation, and eternal salvation. We are able to develop temperance and moderation that prevents envy from leading to coveting, greed, and avarice. If we are able to practice gratitude, temperance, and humility, then there is no envy, coveting, nor greed. 

We learn that GOD Almighty is able to help us persevere with the things that we need. We learn that if we do not have something, it is because we do not need it. This describes the manner that we can also be grateful for the things that we do not have because some things attempt to lead to the practice of idolatry. This describes the manner that we can be thankful each day for the good things that we have and also having gratitude for the things that we do not have that we do not need. We know that the worship of GOD Almighty allows us to persevere with eternal salvation in King Jesus Christ and be far from temptations, sin, and vices that want to lead to woes, stagnation, and destruction of the unrepentant wicked.

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