Friday, November 29, 2024

C. S. Lewis

 C. S. Lewis

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"All that we call human history-money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery- is the long terrible story of a man trying to find something other than GOD that will make him happy."

C. S. Lewis was a professor of English that was an atheist. We learn from his story that C. S. Lewis converted to Christianity after researching and realizing that Christianity preaches truth and has logic. We learn that C. S. Lewis was an atheist prior to converting to Christianity. We learn that C. S. Lewis is know for being an atheist that converted to Christianity, his logical conclusions that Christianity preaches truth, being an English college professor, and also for writing fiction books that incorporated Christian themes.

C. S. Lewis wrote the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe series that describes the fictional place of Narnia. We learn that he also wrote a Space Saga that described Christian themes. Amidst the well received fiction books, Lewis was able to describe with logic and truth how Christianity speaks truth. He was able to describe the manner that Creation could not have been created unless there is a True GOD Almighty that created everything. We learn that he described the importance of logic in arguments that describe why atheism and nihilism do not make sense from a logical perspective.

We learn that C. S. Lewis described the manner that idolatry is the source of unhappiness and significant difficulties. We learn that the worship of GOD Almighty allows us to have gratitude, humility, gladness of heart, and wisdom to know that we do not need to practice sin. We know that when individuals practice sin, they are led through temporary lies of evil to practice even worse sin that only causes difficulties, stagnation, vices, woes, and destruction to the unrepentant wicked that do not repent. We learn that idolatry is based on temporary lies and deceit. Therefore, we should avoid idolatry and idol worship.

We learn that individuals that choose GOD Almighty above everything are able to persevere with blessings, favor, and goodness instead of anger, hate, and bitterness. We learn that the things of the world are temporary describing material resources and instead we are supposed to place our faith, trust, and confidence in the GOD of gods, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that we can not practice sin nor idol worship because there is nothing good in that. Instead we choose to persevere with eternal joy in having faith in the Creator of the Highest Heavens, lower heavens, earth, the universe, humanity, creation, and everything. GOD Almighty is LORD and Creator of everything. This wisdom prevents us from worshiping something that does not deserve the worship describing idolatry.


Criticism of Bureaucracies

"I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of 'Admin'. The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid 'dens of crime' that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally, enough my symbol for hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.'"- Technopoly written by Neil Postman (page 84)

C. S. Lewis described that one of the biggest problems of the world were bureaucracies along with Tocqueville. We learn that C. S. Lewis described that the bureaucracies tend to lead to difficulties and are not helpful. C. S. Lewis described that the embodiment of evil were essentially bureaucracies. This describes the manner that they attempt to "appear" to cause "efficiency" while actually preventing true efficiency. We learn that there is envy from certain bureaucracies that have existed when private individuals are able to improve and make better either based on innovation, invention, integrity, morality, determination, discipline, and truth. We learn that there are stories of individuals that were able to create and innovate while the bureaucracies attempted to prevent innovations from being created. There was the example of a new drug that the FDA prevented from being authorized and approved that had passed all four clinical research study stages lasting 8-10 years and helped with muscular dystrophy (can not recall if it was muscular dystrophy or maesthenia gravis). Yet the drug was not approved by the FDA

The criticism is not rare seen in the manner that even Tocqueville who was impressed by America's insistence on freedom, responsibility, logical reasoning, and autonomy also wrote about the dangers of bureaucracies. We learn that the bureaucracies that are not helpful are because they try to prevent individuals from improving. We learn that even John F. Kennedy spoke about the dangers of bureaucracies. We learn that there has been extensive criticism about bureaucracies knowing that they tend to prevent individuals from improving while creating barriers and opposition to innovation. We learn that we are supposed to persevere without being deceived by false individuals who "appear" to want to help when in reality, they are attempting to prevent competition and innovation from occurring seen in socialist and communist nations of the past. We can trace bureaucracies to socialism, communism, and "monopoly" capitalism false ideologies. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Priest Konstanty Michalski

Priest Konstanty Michalski

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We learn about Pope John Paul II about Priest Konstanty Michalski who was a professor at the Jagellonian University in Krakow. We learn that he was a great professor in the university who was able to describe the importance of courage and valor. We learn from Pope John Paul II about how Priest Konstanty Michalski was able to persevere even amidst having been placed in a concentration camp similar to Viktor E. Frankl. 

We learn that even amidst the difficulties, persecution, and envy that he had to go through, he was able to speak and describe the importance of perseverance. We learn that he was able to survive the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen in the 1940s and was able to return back to Krakow and speak truth. This describes the importance of finding meaning and purpose in the worship of GOD Almighty and persevering with discipline and determination. Priest Konstanty Michalski was able to write books concerning the concentration camp, yet also described the importance of trusting GOD Almighty. 

We learn that Priest Konstanty Michalski was able to survive the concentration camp and persevere to keep instructing and preaching truth. Despite the obstacles, hate, and envy that he went through due to racism by the nazi socialists, we learn that Priest Konstanty Michalski was able to persevere. We are able to see that once the Second World War started, the Allies were able to defeat the nazi socialists. We learn from Pope John Paul II that the Second World War taught individuals about the importance of fighting against racism, socialism, and evil.

Even amidst the struggles, opposition, and persecution, there were individuals that were able to persevere and keep going practicing righteousness and speaking truth. Instead of being discouraged by obstacles, Priest Konstanty Michalski was able to return to Krakow and speak truth concerning the need to fight against cowardice, racism, and socialism. He wrote a book, Between Heroism and Brutality, that describes the need to persevere practicing righteousness and courage instead of cowardice and sin. We learn that the Allies were able to destroy the nazi socialist forces, and there were concentration camp survivors that were able to outlive Hitler allowing us to see the positive in everything. 

Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.

Priest Albert Chmielowski

 Priest Albert Chmielowski

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Pope John Paul II described in his books the importance of having meaning and purpose in the worship of GOD Almighty. Pope John Paull II described individuals that were able to have devotion for the worship of GOD Almighty. Pope John Paul II described that the heroism of righteous individuals in Poland prior to the Second World War helped him choose his vocation to be a priest and worship GOD Almighty.  We learn that even amidst obstacles, persecution, and envy, individuals are able to persevere despite negativity. When we decide to worship GOD Almighty above everything, we are able to persevere with resiliency and true joy. This wisdom allows us to know that we do not need to practice envy, anger, resentments, or coveting that evil attempts to cause in individuals. 

We learned about different priests and saints that were able to preach King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior and persevered. Priest Albert Chmielowski described the importance of devoting oneself to the worship of GOD Almighty. This devotion allows us to choose to give priority to the worship of GOD Almighty instead of prioritizing temporary things of the world. We learn that the devotion and fidelity to GOD Almighty allows us to develop persistence amidst times, obstacles, and circumstances. Pope John Paul II described the importance of courage and valor to persevere speaking truth and practicing obedience to GOD Almighty.

We learn that the qualities of courage and being valiant are virtues that are obtained when we worship GOD Almighty. We learn that having fidelity to GOD Almighty allows us to improve in virtues that allow us to persevere in the path of eternal salvation confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that Priest Albert Chmielowski described the importance of practicing devotion and fidelity to GOD Almighty. This wisdom prevents us from believing the temporary lies of evil that wants to lead to cowardice, envy, and coveting. 

We learn that even amidst the difficulties that existed in different time periods including the time prior to the Second World War, individuals were able to persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty. Even amidst persecution, there were righteous individuals who did not deny their faith and persisted in the faith seen in Priest Maximilian Kolbe. We learn that there were individuals that kept practicing faith, and were able to survive the concentration camps and keep speaking truth. We learn that when we decide to worship GOD Almighty above everything, we are able to persist trusting in the Creator of everything, GOD Almighty. We learn that there were individuals that never believed the temporary lies of evil and demonstrated heroism and courage despite times of difficulty. We learn that courage and valor are virtues that GOD Almighty allows us to have in the worship of GOD Almighty. 

Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.

Susan B. Anthony

 Susan B. Anthony

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Susan B. Anthony was an individual that fought for the importance of equality and equity between men and women. We learn that Susan B. Anthony was a feminist that fought for the rights of women who in the 1920s were having difficulties due to inequality. We learn that there was inequality in the 1920s due to machismo and intemperance. We learn that Susan B. Anthony and feminists of the 1920s fought against intemperance seen in alcoholism and machismo. 

We learn that machismo and alcoholism affected individuals in the 1920s that led to Susan B. Anthony and feminists to fight for prohibition of alcohol advocating for prohibition laws against alcohol production. We know that this was with the intention to prevent individuals from overconsuming alcohol and from being irresponsible seen in abusive drunkard husbands that beat their wives. This was not a rare occurence in the 1920s describing the need for virtues instead of vices. 

Susan B. Anthony also fought for the rights of women and the first wave of feminism was based on the need for true equality rather than the illusion of power seen in fourth wave and post-modern feminist propaganda that is really marxism, communism, and socialism in disguise. We learn that feminism in the 1920s was based on obedience to Christianity meaning learning the Scriptures in order to obey the commandments so that there was true equality. We learn that women did not have the right to vote in the 1920s, and Susan B. Anthony fought for voting rights. We learn that the feminists of the 1920s fought against intemperance that was seen heavily in alcoholism. Women fought for their voice to be heard and also to guard themselves from alcoholism, machismo, and inequality. 

We learn that Susan B. Anthony helped women fight for their rights while being responsible. Susan B. Anthony described the importance of modesty, temperance, responsibility, and virtues. This is important due to the times that we live in where socialist and communist false philosophies have attempted to lead to irresponsibility, intemperance, addictions, drug abuse, alcoholism, envy, and coveting. We are able to acknowledge that socialism and communism want individuals to hate one another based gender, race, social class, and cause the hating of individuals that profess the true faith. We learn that instead of hating one another, we are supposed to hate evil. This is considered wisdom. The true feminists of 1920 fought for true equality and not false perceived "equality" to propagate inequality. This allows us to guard our hearts and minds from false philosophies of racism, MGTOW, and marxist-feminism that want to divide people into groups and cause hate and envy to lead to disobedience of the commandments. We can choose to remove any false philosophies from our lives and renounce sin and vices instead. Seeing in the current times that we live in, we are not supposed to believe temporary lies that want individuals to hate others for no reason. However, we can be far apart from false prophets and communists that want to lead to disobedience of the commandments of Moses and the practice of vices. 

Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.

Johann Gutenberg

Johann Gutenberg

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Gutenberg was the individual that created the Gutenberg press. We learn that he was able to create a printer that was able to mass print books in the 1600s. We learn that the Gutenberg press was an invention that allowed individuals to read for themselves and learn. We learn that after the creation of the Gutenberg press, there was the mass printing of the Sacred Scriptures. We learn that the Sacred Scriptures became the most printed and read book in the 1600s. Within 40 years of the invention, there was the distribution of books in 6 different nations. 

We learn that Martin Luther was able to describe the importance of reading the Sacred Scriptures from oneself and obeying GOD Almighty. We learn that the Protestant Reformation developed from Martin Luther's reproof of sin, indulgences, and idolatry that the Catholic church was commiting in the 1600s. Martin Luther described the importance of the Gutenberg press that allowed the Sacred Scriptures to be taught in different nations. We learn that the Gutenberg press also helped individuals learn about the importance of reading the Sacred Scriptures. This describes the importance of giving priority to the reading of the Sacred Scriptures and also the need to obey the commandments of Moses. 

We learn that the Protestant Reformation described the importance of practicing sound doctrine from the Sacred Scriptures and not adding or taking away from the Scriptures with the intention to lead to sin, idol worship, and adultery. We learn that evil attempts to lead individuals far from the worship of GOD Almighty by speaking temporary lies. When we go to the Sacred Scriptures every day, we are able to remind ourselves of the truth and choose to practice fidelity to GOD Almighty.

We learn that there were other books also mass printed after the creation of the Gutenberg press that allowed individuals to learn to read and write. We learn that the Gutenberg press is one of the most important inventions that has been produced because it allowed individuals to learn for themselves and also allowed information to be available that previously was not available. We learn that there was new information concerning history, mathematics, science, and medicine that allowed individuals to value helpful information and the importance of learning throughout one's life. We learn that there have been attempts by totalitarian regimes that have attempted to prevent individuals from learning, being self-didactic, and improving themselves through education. Even amidst difficult times, we know that individuals are able to persevere speaking truth similar to important individuals that valued truth, autonomy, and goodness over envy and greed.

Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Dwight D. Eisenhower

 Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Dwight D. Eisenhower was a general of the United States in the 1940s that was able to fight against the nazi socialists. We learn that Dwight D. Eisenhower was able to organize the military of the Allies to destroy and defeat the nazi socialists that had caused difficulties in Europe due to envy and hate. We learn that initially there was hesitation of fighting against the nazi socialists, yet Spencer Churchill was able to galvanize not only Europe but also the United States to fight against Hitler. There were letters written by individuals that had stated that it would be better to not do anything and let the nazi socialists take over Europe. Spencer Churchill decided to fight racism and with high courage kept being the voice of reason and logic. 

We learn that once Spencer Churchill described the importance of fighting against totalitarianism and inequality, we learn that individuals in the United States also decided to help fight against envy and hate. We learn that once the military was organized, Dwight D. Eisenhower was able to lead the Allies to defeat Hitler and the nazi socialists. We learn that the invasion of Normandy in D-Day proved to allow the Allies to fight back and regain territory in France on June 6, 1944. We learn that while the nazi socialists appeared to be gaining footholds in different regions of Europe, the Allies were able to make quick strides against Hitler's army. 

We learn that Eisenhower was able to prove efficient, effective, and disciplined in the manner that the Second World War was won by the Allies. Once the Allies had won a foothold in Normandy, they were able to keep gaining territory and defeating the nazi socialists. We learn that after the Second World War was finalized and the Allies had destroyed the nazi socialists, Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president of the United States.

We learn that Dwight D. Eisenhower was able to be a moderate who fought against the communists and socialists. Eisenhower was able to battle against communism by not helping communist nations. We learn that he also battled against racism in the Little Rock case in 1957 where racists attempted to prevent an African American student from going to school. Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered the need to allow the student to go to school by sending troops and favoring racial desegregation. We are able to learn that Dwight D. Eisenhower was important because he was an individual that was disciplined and helped defeat the nazi socialists once the Second World War started. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Dr. Martin Luther King

 Dr. Martin Luther King 

Interpretacion a otros lenguajes

"Judge not a man by the color of his skin but by the content of his character."

The story of Dr. Martin Luther King describes the importance of fighting the injustices of the world with pacifism and non-violence. We learn that Dr. Martin Luther King was a preacher that was able to fight for equal rights for minorities knowing that there was racism that existed. We learn that in the 1960's there was inequality that existed because of racism, and Dr. Martin Luther King fought against racism. We learn that while other movements attempted to incorporate hate and violence, Dr. Martin Luther King preached the importance of civil disobedience against measures that were racist and designed to prevent individuals from improving themselves.

"Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."

We learn about the examples that existed in the past of Jim Crowe laws that attempted to prevent individuals from improving themselves. There were also unjust discriminatory laws that called for separate bathrooms, separate water fountains, and even different seatings in buses for people that were African-American or minorities. This describes the manner that sometimes there is racism that exists and there is the need to combat the temporary lies and negative emotions that attempt to lead to hate and envy without reason. We learn that while there were movements calling the need to fight hate with hate seen in false philosophies of hate and lust, Dr. Martin Luther King called on the need to preach filial love, genuine empathy, and civil disobedience describing that racism does not allow for true equality.

"Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice; say I was a drum major for peace; say I was a drum major for righteousness. And all the other shallow things will not matter."

We learn that Dr. Martin Luther King was able to preach and describe the importance of not fighting hate with hate and instead instructed the need to fight against hate by preaching unity, equality, and wisdom. We learn that Dr. Martin Luther King was able to help African-Americans and minorities fight against the injustices of racism that had existed in the past. We learn that because of the preaching and determination of Dr. Martin Luther King, the unjust and unequal Jim Crowe laws were removed and instead the importance of equality, empathy, and filial love was seen. We are able to see the importance of how filial love and genuine empathy can conquer hate when fighting against hate.

We learn that Dr. Martin Luther King's example allows us to know that we can not have negative emotions describing hate, anger, and envy because they attempt to lead to a negative road. We learn that instead we are supposed to persevere preaching truth and learn that there is no need for hate. We learn that the other movements that were non-peaceful describing militant groups were not helpful. Dr. Martin Luther King's example allows us to know that we can persevere preaching truth and not be a part of the inequalities and injustices that false philosophies attempt to lead to. We learn that the elimination of Jim Crowe laws and improvements of equality, equity, and justice for minorities occurred because of Dr. Martin Luther King and individuals that decided to fight against hate with genuine empathy, filial love, and not participating with the injustices of an unequal system.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Helen Keller

 Helen Keller 

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Helen Keller was an individual that had scarlet fever and became mute, blind, and deaf. We learn that Helen Keller was able to keep going despite the disadvantages that she had. At the age of 7, Helen Keller was able to obtain formal schooling at the Perkins Institute of the Blind. We learn that Anne Sullivan was able to help her learn to read with braille and a manual alphabet. We learn that she was able to learn and receive a formal education that allowed her to apply to college. 

In the year 1900, Helen Keller was accepted to Radcliffe College. We learn that she was able to go to college and was able to graduate with the Highest Honors while studying a full time schedule. Despite her difficulties, Helen Keller was able to keep working hard and complete her studies. We learn that Helen Keller was able to graduate with the Highest Honors because of her determination and motivation. We learn that when she was younger there were difficulties, yet she was able to keep learning despite the disadvantages. 

Helen Keller allows us to know that individuals can persevere with motivation in order to help others. We learn that she dedicated herself to positive causes including helping others who were born with similar dificulties. We learn that she did not waver in her studies and was able to dedicate herself to fighting against hate and envy. Helen Keller is remembered for being able to describe the importance of perseverance and using one's virtues and talents for good. Helen Keller describes the importance of genuine empathy and helping others for good.

We learn that Helen Keller was able to accomplish good things being able to work for an organization for the blind. She helped fight for the rights of individuals that were born blind. We know that she worked to help the rights of the blind since she herself had gone through difficulties. Helen Keller became the official chief spokesperson of the American Foundation of the Blind. Helen Keller was an advocate of pacifism and civil rights. We learn that Helen Keller also dedicated herself to good causes including pacifism. We learn that she was a proponent of pacifism and described the importance of living in harmony with one another without unneeded strife and conflict. We learn that Helen Keller accomplished great works. Helen Keller lived to the age of 87.

Thomas Alva Edison

 Thomas Alva Edison

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"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration."

Thomas Alva Edison was an inventor and innovator that was able to create 1,093 inventions throughout his life. We learn that Thomas Alva Edison was able to create the filamentous lightbulb that we all know is capable of producing light. We learn that the lightbulb was a great invention that allowed individuals to have needed lighting at night while preventing the dangers of using candles. We learn that lightbulbs have been preferred as a source of light that is safe and efficient. 

We learn that while Thomas Alva Edison was able to create different inventions, we would have difficulty believing that he also battled difficulties. Thomas Alva Edison was hard of hearing from an early age and also received formal schooling for three months. Even amidst all of this, he was able to keep being creative. Thomas Alva Edison is most notably known for being the most prolific inventor. He created the phonograph that allowed music to be heard. 

Thomas Alva Edison was able to help improve the telephone, typewriter, electric generator, motion picture, and also created a vote counting machine. We learn that Thomas Alva Edison was able to create or improve inventions that are still being used in today's time except for the vote counting machine. We learn that despite being creative, he described that he only wanted to create inventions that were useful. Thomas Alva Edison did not want to create inventions that no one wanted to use. 

We learn that Thomas Alva Edison is noted being an individual that was highly creative, industrious, and hard working. We learn we can be creative, industrious, and keep thriving amidst living in not the best of times. We learn that despite the times that we live in, we can keep going knowing that we can not be slothful, lazy, and envious. Instead, we can keep learning, keep being industrious, and fight against laziness and envy seeing good examples in industrious individuals. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Andrew Fleming

 Andrew Fleming

Andrew Fleming was a scientist that was able to discover penicillin in the last century. We know that penicillin was a great medical discovery because it served as a first line of defense against bacterial infections. We learn that penicillin helped against specific bacterial infections that were difficult to treat. Penicillin was considered a great medical drug that could cure certain types of bacterial infections with relative ease. 

We learn that Andrew Fleming discovered penicillin accidently by realizing that fungi can create penicillin that combats bacterial infection. We were able to learn that penicillin was one of the greatest medical discoveries of the last century because it helped combat specific diseases that were difficult to treat including tuberculosis, staph infections, and strep infections. We learn that tuberculosis infections were significantly difficult to treat prior to penicillin. 

We learned that penicillin was able to be produced from fungi and the manner that bacterial infections could be cured with medication. Penicillin was the drug of choice to treat bacterial infections along with its alternatives including ampicillin and similar medications. The different types of antibiotic medication helped tremendously against bacterial infections. 

We learn that with the rise of polyamorism and non-monogamous relationships in the past decade, there also has been a rise of sexually transmitted diseases that have modified and have new strains and variants. We learned in the past decade that Chlamydia, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea have different strains that have been modified due to the practice of polyamorist and adulterous relationships. We also learned that the new strains of sexually transmitted diseases are resistant to antibiotics including penicillin. We learn that penicillin, that was created in the past century, does not do anything against new strains of sexually transmitted diseases. This describes the importance of guarding oneself from polyamorous relationships that are actually adultery and also understand the manner that sin does not help individuals. We can guard ourselves from lust, fornication, and adultery knowing that there are sexually transmitted diseases that do not have a cure. This allows us to persevere acknowledging that relationships are meant to be monogamous and also that due to the different strains of antibiotic resistant sexually transmitted diseases, we can persevere without practicing fornication, adultery, and idolatry. We learn that relationships are meant to be monogamous, and if there is no intention to start families, especially in the times that we live in, we can persevere with obedience to the commandments acknowledging that we do not practice sin. We learn that marriages are with the intention to start families and if there is no intention to be married or start families, there is no need for irresponsible sex outside the marriage. This wisdom allows us to persevere without difficulties that are not needed. 

Friday, November 1, 2024

Dr. Jonas Salk

 Dr. Jonas Salk

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Dr. Jonas Salk was the individual that created the polio vaccines that used polio virus that was killed with formaldehyde to prevent polio. We learn that Dr. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine was available in 1955 although, he had tested the vaccine for years.

We learn that poliomyelitis was a disease that afflicted individuals causing degeneration of the lower extremities to the point that individuals needed knee braces and walkers to move. We learn that Dr. Jonas Salk worked diligently to create the polio vaccine that allowed individuals to not develop polio. We learn that after 8-10 years of research, we learn that the vaccine was approved for public use in 1955. 

Dr. Jonas Salk created the polio vaccine by destroying the polio virus with formaldehyde and creating a serum that was able to be injected. This was with the intention that the vaccine would cause antibodies to be developed to the polio virus if individuals were to be infected with polio. We learn that the polio vaccine invented by Dr. Salk was effective and efficient at preventing illnesses from polio including preventing severe infection that led to weakness or paralysis of the lower limbs.

We learn that the polio vaccine was one of the greatest medical discoveries in the past century because it was able to help prevent poliomyelitis. We learn that poliomyelitis was a debilitating disease that did not have a cure once it caused severe illness. We learn that science can be used for the good of individuals, yet there must be healthy skepticism about how vaccines are developed and approved. We learn that the polio vaccine took 8-10 years to successfully develop and research, yet was effective at preventing poliomyelitis and thus preventing lower limb paralysis. Dr. Salk also decided to give the vaccine for free choosing not to patent the vaccine meaning that he did not want to make extensive wealth from the vaccine and instead wanted individuals to not develop polio. This describes that there are good individuals that have existed and exist who choose to work for good and not for other reasons.

William Tyndale

 William Tyndale

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"You can excommunicate me from the church but not from the Church of Christ victorious." 

William Tyndale was a translator of the Sacred Scriptures who allowed the Sacred Scriptures to be interpreted to the English language. We learn that there was opposition to William Tyndale translating the Sacred Scriptures. This is because during the Dark Ages, there was corruption and there was persecution. We learn that William Tyndale is described being an individual that helped translate the Scriptures to English. 

There was opposition from individuals who did not want him to translate the Sacred Scriptures because this would allow individuals to learn for themselves about the truth that exists in Scripture. We know that throughout different times, there have seen attempts to either add or remove information from Scripture in order to lead to the practice of sin by false prophets or false apostles. We learn that for this reason, it is important to read the Sacred Scriptures so that we do not believe lies.

We learn that William Tyndale had opposition from the Catholic church at a time when there was corruption in the Catholic church. We learn that there was opposition because wicked individuals did not want individuals to learn and read the truth for themselves. We learn that we are able to improve when we read Scripture in order to worship GOD Almighty. We learn that William Tyndale was not discouraged and kept worshiping GOD Almighty with his work. 

We learn that this occurred in the times of the 1500s and describes a time called the Dark Ages due to increased idolatry, sin, and vices. We learn that even when William Tyndale had opposition, he persevered worshiping GOD Almighty and translated the Sacred Scriptures to English. We learn that when he was persecuted to martyrdom, a wicked individual told him that he was excommunicated from the church. To this William Tyndale responded with, "You may excommunicate me from the church, but not from the Church of Christ victorious." 



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"In my adoptive father I observed mildness of temper, and unchangeable resolution in the things that he had determined after due deliberation; and no vainglory in those things that men call honor; and a love of labor and perseverance."- The Meditations (page 4)

Verus was the grandfather of Marcus Aurelius and who took him in after his parents had died when he was young. We learn that Verus allowed Marcus Aurelius to grow with a happy childhood being able to learn from tutors about Stoicism. We learn that Marcus Aurelius described that much of the virtues that he had developed were because of having learned them from his grandfather. We learn that Marcus Aurelius described the importance of practicing temperance and being industrious.

We learn that Marcus Aurelius described the importance of growing up with his grandfather that helped him learn about important qualities that are needed. We learn that he described how his grandfather was of mild character meaning that he had dominion over his emotions and was able to practice serenity and calmness. We learn that Marcus Aurelius described the importance of not allowing the emotions to lead to anger and envy. We learn that instead there is the need to practice calmness and serenity that allows us to persevere. 

"And that might be applied to him which is recorded to Socrates, that he was able to both abstain from, and to enjoy, those things which many are too weak to abstain from, and can not enjoy without excess."- The Meditations (page 5)

We learn that Marcus Aurelius' grandfather was also humble in the sense that he was not involved in excesses and intemperance. Marcus Aurelius described the importance of being able to persevere without practicing excesses and having vices. We learn that instead of practicing vices, there was temperance that describes the manner to persevere without practicing excesses and being dependant on external things. Marcus Aurelius described that his grandfather was of cheerful character and described the importance of not needing negative emotions such as anger and envy. 

We learn that he also learned that there is no need to use flattery or arrogance. Marcus Aurelius described the manner that there is the need to have positive qualities instead of anger and arrogance. We see in the life of Marcus Aurelius the manner that practicing serenity and temperance can help an individual. We are able to understand the importance of grandfathers and grandmothers in helping us learn from their wealth of experiences and life lessons, and improve seeing the positive qualities of others while also practicing gratitude. We learn that while Marcus Aurelius was a Stoic, it is interesting to note if Christianity also influenced his upbringing seeing the manner that he allowed Christianity and ended persecution during his time being emperor. Instead of practicing anger, envy, hatred, and intemperance, Marcus Aurelius learned from his grandfather the value of positive qualities.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn   Interpretacion a otros lenguajes “The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.” – A...