Thursday, October 31, 2024

Marcus Aurelius

 Marcus Aurelius

Interpretacion a otros lenguajes

"From my grandfather Verus I learned good morals and the government of my temper."- The Meditations (page 1) 

Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor that decided to allow Christianity in Rome without persecuting. Along with Nerva, Marcus Aurelius was one of the Roman emperors that decided to end the persecution of Christianity. We learn that this describes the manner that GOD Almighty uses all things for good. We learn that Marcus Aurelius was considered one of the noblest of the emperors because of the importance he gave to practicing serenity and calmness and who did not practice anger and envy.

"How much trouble he avoids who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only to the things he does so that it may be just and pure."- The Meditations (page 22)

We learn that Marcus Aurelius described in the Meditations about the need to remove anger and hate from our lives. Marcus Aurelius described the need to practice serenity and have calmness. We learn that he described how individuals should not have strong emotions seen in the emotions that certain competitions tried to evoke describing chariot races that attempted to divide people based on their devotion for specific factions based on colors. Marcus Aurelius described that instead of devoting strong emotions, we are supposed to calm the emotions and have dominion over the emotions.

"To be neither of the green nor of the blue party at the games in the Circus, nor a partisan either of the Parmularius or the Scutarius at the gladiators' fights; from him too I learned endurance of labor, and to want little, and to work with my own hands, and not to meddle with other people's affairs, and not to be ready to listen to slander."- The Meditations (page 1)

We learn that Marcus Aurelius did not have an easy life seen in the manner that he persevered amidst different circumstances including treason from one of his military commanders, fighting against invaders, and also personal difficulties describing the death of his wife. Even amidst all of this, Marcus Aurelius described the need to have dominion over the emotions and persevere prioritizing truth and not practicing hate and envy. It is interesting to note if Christianity influenced Marcus Aurelius because of the importance that he placed on truth, serenity, and not hating for the sake of hating

We do not know specifically although being one of the benevolent emperors of Rome towards Christianity, we are able to see the power of preaching eternal truth that King Jesus Christ is Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that Christianity kept increasing to Rome and the nations. We learn that Christianity was able to cause the Roman empire to convert and the manner that Eastern Rome persevered because of their obedience to the Scriptures and the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that Western Rome had difficulties with insurrections, riots, and invaders because of their unrepentant sin seen in the practice of idol worship, adultery, and vices. 

"The best manner of avenging yourself is not to become like the wrongdoer." The Meditations (age 37)

Tuesday, October 29, 2024



Interpretacion a otros lenguajes

In the beginning of the Church Age, we learn about the manner that King Jesus Christ told his disciples and apostles to preach to Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea, and to the ends of the world. We learn that the disciples and apostles preached to Israel and the world and Christianity increased to the nations and Israel. We learn that after the resurrection of King Jesus Christ, King Jesus Christ commanded his disciples and apostles to preach. We learn that even in the Roman empire there were individuals that were converted to Christianity describing the power of preaching. We learn that Cornelius converted to Christianity who was a roman soldier and citizen. 

We learn that Cornelius did not practice idol worship and idolatry and instead chose to worship GOD Almighty. We learn that Cornelius accepts King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior after Cephas preaches to Cornelius in the Book of Acts. We learn about how even amidst persecution, the disciples and apostles preached and the nations of the world converted seen in the Greeks and also in Asia Minor. 

We learn that in 96-98 A.D., Rome ended the persecution of Christianity and decided to accept Christianity as the official religion. This describes the power of King Jesus Christ who is the Ruler of kings on earth. We learn that Nerva was an emperor of Rome that decided to end persecution and instead accept Christianity. We learn that this led to Christianity being accepted and see the manner that Christianity helps individuals improve. 

We learn about the wonders of Christianity in the manner that Eastern Rome persevered practicing Christianity for close to a thousand years while Western Rome that practiced idol worship, sin, and adultery only lasted four hundred years. We learn that the practice of sin and vices in Western Rome led to Western Rome being devastated by insurrections, riots, and the Vandals and Goths. We learn that this describes the importance of persevering in the worship of GOD Almighty and not practicing sin, idol worship, and vices. 


Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.

Monday, October 28, 2024

St. Cyril

 St. Cyril

We learn from the Sacred Scriptures that King Jesus Christ stated that the Gospel would be preached to Israel and the world. King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior would be preached to Israel and the nations and that is what has happened in the past two thousand years. We learn that eternal salvation in King Jesus Christ is still being preached and will keep being preached in the end times. We learn that St. Cyril was an individual that created the Cyrillic alphabet that allowed Christianity to be preached to different nations including Russia by adapting Greek and Hebrew letters. We learn that there are Christian Orthodox, Catholic, and Christian churches in Russia. 

We learn that St. Cyril was able to create the Cyrillic alphabet that is used in different nations including Russia. We learn that Christianity keeps on being preached and has been preached to different regions of the world. We learn that this is interesting and amazing knowing that King Jesus Christ speaks truth. We learn that there are different nations of the world that were able to hear the message of repentance of sin. Saint Cyril was able to preach to the Slavs in the ninth century A.D. 

We learn that there are disciples and apostles that were able to keep preaching despite opposition and discouragement. We learn that there are individuals that believe in the Christian faith throughout the world because of righteous individuals choosing to preach King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior and fighting sin. We learn that there are righteous individuals that were able to preach to different regions and were able to help Christianity increase in the nations. 

While there are individuals that question the Sacred Scriptures, we are able to see the truth in the manner that Christianity is still being preached. This describes the importance of persevering in the worship of GOD Almighty and choosing to repent of sin with sincerity of heart. We learn that King Jesus Christ helps righteous individuals preach and persevere even amidst the times that we are living in. We learn that Christianity keeps being preached describing the truth that King Jesus Christ stated in the Gospel and Revelation.  


Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.

John Calvin

 John Calvin

John Calvin was a preacher that described the importance of practicing righteousness so that we are able to know that we belong to GOD Almighty. Calvinism is a religion of Christianity that states that individuals can know if they are part of the elect of GOD Almighty due to how they obey the commandments of Moses and worship GOD Almighty. We learn that this describes that individuals can know that they are part of the elect having been predestined by GOD Almighty to obtain eternal salvation because we accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, repent of sin, and obey the commandments with sincerity of heart. 

We learn that Calvinism described the manner that GOD Almighty has already decided the righteous individuals that are His for all eternity. We learn that there is the understanding that GOD Almighty gives individuals the choice to decide if they want to worship GOD Almighty or not. GOD Almighty does not force anyone to worship GOD Almighty by force. We learn that there are false religions that do not allow for autonomy and sovereignty seen in Christianity.

We learn that individuals have the choice to decide if they want to accept King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior and be righteous in obedience to GOD Almighty or practice sin and wickedness. GOD Almighty uses each individual's choice and still accomplishes His purpose regardless. The difference is that for the righteous there are blessings, favor, eternal salvation, and virtues while for the wicked there is stagnation, vices, destruction, and condemnation. 

We learn that Calvinism taught that individuals could know that they are saved and considered part of the elect because they decide to practice fidelity to GOD Almighty and do not practice sin and idol worship. We learn that the righteous that are saved have been written in the Book of Life since before the creation of the earth. We know that this describes that GOD Almighty already knows the righteous individuals that are saved and also the wicked that are not saved. GOD Almighty is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent among other qualities the human mind can not understand. We know that GOD Almighty knows everything about the past, present, future, and for all eternity. We learn that we are supposed to persevere with fidelity to GOD Almighty knowing that we choose GOD Almighty above the temporary things of the world. 


Figures of History and Individualism allows us to persevere knowing that throughout history there have been righteous individuals that decided to practice good and not practice sin. We are able to persevere knowing that there is no need to fear nor have negative emotions knowing that we trust in the Creator and not in idolatry. We are able to learn about righteous individuals that decided to speak truth and help others even when there are lies being told that attempt to lead individuals to disobedience and the practice of sin. We can persevere without practicing sin and idol worship.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Priest Maximilian Kolbe

 Priest Maximilian Kolbe

We learn from the writings of Viktor E. Frankl about the manner that there is a distinction between the two paths that individuals can take. Viktor E. Frankl described that while Sigmund Freud stated that everyone when presented with circumstances would act exactly the same, the reality is that each individual has the option to decide if they want to be good or not. There is the choice to decide to persevere practicing righteousness instead of decreasing in the practice of iniquity.

We learn that Priest Maximilian Kolbe was persecuted by Nazi socialists and yet did not renounce his faith. We learn that he was an individual that was persecuted for being a priest and choosing the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that the false philosophies of hate describing Nazi socialism attempted to envy and persecute individuals based on ethnicity. We learn that while persisting through persecution, Priest Maximilian Kolbe persevered choosing the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that he was persecuted in Aushwitz, yet never renounced his faith.

We learn that Viktor E. Frankl described that there were individuals in the concentration camps that decided to practice righteousness despite circumstances and obstacles allowing us to know that each individual has the choice to decide if they want to improve and be righteous or not. We learn that decisions and not conditions make individuals. This describes that we can not believe the temporary lies of evil that tries to say that “everyone practices sin”. This is not true knowing that there are righteous individuals that have existed that allow us to know that it is possible to be righteous and persevere.

We learn about righteous individuals that did not practice sin and vices and were able to persevere. We learn that there were individuals that were persecuted, and yet did not renounce their faith in GOD Almighty. We learn that Viktor E. Frankl was an individual that was persecuted and still kept instructing wisdom, responsibility, goodness, and perseverance. We are able to know that even when there are temporary lies by evil that try to cause discouragements, we can persevere acknowledging that each individual has the choice to decide if they are going to choose the path of righteousness worshiping GOD Almighty that leads to eternal salvation or not.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Saint Methodius

 Saint Methodius

"They were apostles of the Slavs-they introduced the Gospel and at the same time laid the foundation of Slavic culture."

Pope John Paul II described the importance of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius who were able to help preach the Gospel in Russia in the ninth century. We learn that Saint Methodius was the brother of Saint Cyril. We learn that they helped write the Cyrilic alphabet that became the alphabet used for the Russian language and also for other nations. We learn that Saint Methodius was able to help preach Christianity to Russia. 

"To this day, many Slavic nations acknowledge them not only as teachers of the faith but also as fathers of their culture."

We learn that Saint Methodius along with Saint Cyril were able to preach King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that Christianity kept being preached and is still being preached around the world. We learn that King Jesus Christ stated that the Gospel would be preached to Israel and the nations. We learn that Paul was able to preach to the nations and evangelize nations outside of Israel including Greece consistent with the Sacred Scriptures. 

We learn that Christianity increased to other nations including Russia in the 9th century. We learn that Christianity was preached and there are churches in Russia describing the importance of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius in preaching King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that in Russia there are the Orthodox churches along with different Christian churches due to the preaching of apostles. 

We learn that this describes the manner that GOD Almighty cares about individuals not only in Israel and also in the nations who choose to accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that King Jesus Christ helps us to keep preaching truth and the need to repent of sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ spoke truth about the manner that He is able to help us persevere preaching so that individuals can have a chance to repent of sin and obtain eternal salvation accepting King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior.

Priest Mateo Ricci

 Priest Mateo Ricci

"I have already mentioned that only a small percentage of Asia is Christian."

Pope John Paul II described the importance of Priest Mateo Ricci who was an individual that preached to China. We learn that China has also been able to receive the message of repentance of sin and acceptance of King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that even amidst persecution and difficulties, the Gospel keeps being preached to different regions of the world including China.

"The vitality of some of the Asian churches is remarkable-once again this is the result of persecution. It is particularly true in Korea, Vietnam, and recently, in China as well."

We know that there are righteous individuals that have preached the Gospel in different time periods including Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius who preached in the ninth century to Eastern Europe. We learn that Saint Francis Xavier preached in the sixteenth century in the East in India and Japan. We learn that Priest Mateo Ricci was able to preach to China. We learn that this describes the importance of preaching truth in King Jesus Christ. 

This allows us to know that we do not have to convert anyone, yet we do have to preach in order to allow individuals to know the truth so that they can repent of sin, accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, and obey the commandments of Moses. We learn that there are great individuals that have preached King Jesus Christ to the nations while practicing obedience to GOD Almighty describing the power of preaching truth. We learn that Christianity has increased in Asia where individuals have fervor and keep persevering despite opposition. We have seen the manner that despite persecution of churches in China, Christianity has increased tremendously. 

We learn that Christianity was preached and keeps being preached in Asia. We learn that Korea, Vietnam, and China have also obtained the message of the Gospel. We learn that while there has been opposition, the good news of the resurrection of King Jesus Christ keeps being preached around the world. We learn that in China, Christianity has kept increasing in the manner that individuals have seen the power of repentance of sin and the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that while there has been opposition, Christianity keeps increasing around the world.  

Saint Francis Xavier

Saint Francis Xavier 

"The sixteenth century is also the century of Saint Francis Xavier, whose missionary achievement was directed to the East-India and Japan in particular. He was enormously effective there, despite the strong resistence he encountered."

Saint Francis Xavier was able to preach King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior to the nations in the East. We learn from Pope John Paul II about the importance of Saint Francis Xavier in being able to preach to India and Japan. We learn that despite opposition, Saint Francis Xavier was able to preach King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that since King Jesus Christ resurrected and went up to the Highest Heavens, there was the instruction to preach the Gospel to Israel and the nations. 

We learn that King Jesus Christ was preached in the nations and keeps being preached. We learn that Christianity was preached in different regions of the world with Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius preaching to Eastern Europe. We know that there was Priest Matteo Ricci who preached to China. We learn that this describes the importance of prioritizing the worship of GOD Almighty over the temporary things of the world. We learn that Christianity keeps being preached to Israel and the nations consistent with King Jesus Christ's command to preach the Gospel.

We learn that there were individuals that preached in India and Japan. We learn that this describes the manner that GOD Almighty is able to help individuals preach truth described with Saint Francis Xavier who was able to be effective and preach the message of repentance of sin and acceptance of King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We learn that even in regions of Asia, individuals have evangelized and helped spread the good news of eternal salvation in King Jesus Christ. We learn that Christianity has increased in India and Japan. This describes the power of preaching the Gospel.

We learn that despite the circumstances, times, and opposition, Christianity has kept increasing to the nations describing that King Jesus Christ spoke truth. We are able to see that Christianity has kept increasing to the nations and allows us to acknowledge that Christianity speaks truth. We learn that while there are lies from evil that try to question the truth, we learn that the opposition and discouragements to preach only confirm the manner that Christianity speaks truth. We learn that Christianity keeps being preached and helps us know that we can persevere speaking truth.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

John Gueriguian

 John Gueriguian

"The drug (Rezulin) appeared to offer no significant advantage over other diabetes drugs already on the market, and it had a worrisome tendency to cause inflammation of the liver."- Overdo$ed America (page 87)

John Gueriguian was an individual that was a doctor with the FDA who decided to speak truth and say that a medication that was to be approved did not meet the requirements for approval. We learn that Dr. John Gueriguian was able to give warnings about not approving the diabetes medication, Rezulin in 1996. We learn that the new medication was trying to be fast tracked for approval and was selected to participate in a study by the NIH to know if it could help against diabetes.

We learn that Dr. Gueriguian was able to describe after careful consideration and review that the medication did not meet health standards and that the medication could not be approved. We learn that Dr. Gueriguian was taken off the review board for Rezulin and told that he could not participate in the review any longer. We learn that the medication, Rezulin, was approved in haste, and resulted in hundreds of individuals being affected negatively including having liver inflammation. 

We learn that Dr. Gueriguian was able to describe the truth and not allow himself to speak lies. While not being able to be a part of the review board that approved the diabetes medication, we know that he spoke truth. We learn that the review board did not want to include Dr. Gueriguian in the review of Rezulin due to speaking truth about the dangerous medication. We learn that Rezulin was marketed as a great diabetes medication, while actually leading to significant health complications including liver disease and other health complications.

We learn that both the NIH and FDA had approved the medication, and yet Dr. Gueriguian was removed from the safety review board by the FDA. This was due to a complaint made about Dr. Gueguerian due to him speaking truth and choosing to describe the truth about an unsafe diabetes drug. We learn that he was a veteran of the FDA with 19 years of experience that describes the incongruencies concerning the approval of medications while having safety review boards. We learn that this happened in 1996 and tells us about the importance of persevering speaking truth instead of telling blatant lies. The drug was approved in 1997. We learn that the medication was not taken off the pharmacies until 2000. Rezulin was not to be approved according to Dr. John Gueriguian because it was not better than other diabetes medications and caused liver disease

Edith Weisskopf-Joelson

 Edith Weisskopf-Joelson

"Logotherapy can help counteract certain unhealthy trends in the present day culture of the United States, where the incurable sufferer is given very little opportunity to be proud of his suffering and to consider it enobling."-Man's Search For Meaning (page 170-171)

Edith Weisskopf-Joelson was a college professor in Georgia in the 1980s that described the importance of logotherapy. Along with Viktor E. Frankl, she described the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life. We learn that Edith described the importance of seeing obstacles and difficulties as lessons instead of being discouraged. We learn from the writings of Viktor E. Frankl about the importance of having positive emotions and practicing gratitude everyday. We learn that instead of seeing obstacles and difficulties as something negative, we can learn to thrive even amidst not the best of times. We learn that there are lessons to be learned from experiences and that we can choose to thrive even amidst not so good times

We learn that there is a false presumption that individuals need to appear to be happy based on external things, when in fact, we can improve, having true joy, gratitude, and purpose based on paying attention to and prioritizing the intrinsic. This describes that we can persevere making sure that we have gratitude each day for the good things that we have and for being able to turn obstacles and circumstances into learning opportunities. We learn that even when there are difficulties, we can learn specific lessons. We learn that specific lessons can teach us that we can not practice sin and can not practice negative emotions that are not helpful and are not useful describing envy, bitterness, resentments, and coveting. Viktor E. Frankl described that having positive emotions and gratitude can prevent negative emotions. Positive Psychology describes in longitudinal studies about how getting rid of negative emotions and practicing gratitude and true joy leads to longevity.

We learn that instead of prioritizing the temporary, superficial, and external, we are able to prioritize gratitude and true joy. We learn that we obtain true joy by having gratitude to GOD Almighty and persevering with meaning and purpose. We learn that Edith described the manner that in the culture of the 1980s, in the United States, individuals needed to be happy based on consumerism and external things. Instead, logotherapy describes that we need to prioritize the instrinsic meaning and purpose that we have, practice gratitude, persevere with true joy, and remove negative emotions describing anger, bitterness, shame, and envy.

This wisdom allows us to persevere even amidst circumstances. We learn that Viktor E. Frankl described the manner that individuals can improve even amidst obstacles seeing the manner that he was able to publish his book while he persevered in concentration camps. We learn that instead of seeing obstacles and circumstances with negativity, we are able to persevere improving ourselves. We learn that having gratitude prevents us from believing the temporary lies of evil that want individuals to be discouraged. Instead of looking for happiness in extrinsic things like temporary material posessions, temporary wealth, consumerism, false "comparisons", "relationships" that want to lead to idolatry, and idolatry, we can persevere with encouragement knowing that we do not need those things. Instead we can improve acknowledging that our meaning and purpose is to persevere with gratitude and true joy in the worship of GOD Almighty. We can persevere being creative preaching and writing, accepting and confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, and using obstacles and circumstances to learn wisdom and lessons that prevent us from practicing sin, idolatry, and from being stagnated in vices, boredom, and the existential vacuum.

"Experiencing can be as valuable as achieving is therapeutic because it compensates for the one sided emphasis on the external world of achievement at the expense of the internal world of experience."- Man's Search For Meaning (page 170)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Priest Eziquio Trevizo

Priest Eziquio Trevizo

"This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad."- Psalm 118: 24

Priest Eziquio Trevizo was a priest who conducted the Sunday Mass in the city of Juarez. We learn that he was able to preach during his sermons and was able to describe the need to persevere with true joy and gladness of heart in the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that Eziquio Trevizo was able to describe the importance of persevering without practicing sin and idol worship. 

Priest Eziquio Trevizo was able to also write in the newspaper, El Diario de Juarez, of the city of Juarez. His writings were powerful and important because they described the need to have skepticism and the need to avoid sin and idol worship. His writings told of the need to not believe the temporary lies of evil that try to lead to the road of perdition. Priest Eziquio Trevizo wrote about not believing the deception of evil that wants individuals to be far part from GOD Almighty. He wrote with courage describing that we are supposed to believe in the Creator and LORD of all, GOD Almighty. We can not believe anything that evil says because it is based on temporary lies. He was able to write about making sure that we persevere practicing obedience to GOD Almighty far apart from the practice of sin and idol worship.

This is important because Priest Eziquio Trevizo was able to preach and write during the times between 2006-2012 when there were difficulties in the city of Juarez due to drug use and sin. Priest Eziquio Trevizo described the need to forsake the path of destruction that idol worship, drug use, sin, and vices try to lead to. He was able to preach and write with boldness and keep motivating the righteous to persevere describing the power of GOD Almighty in the lives of righteous individuals who obey the true GOD of gods, GOD Almighty.

We learn that Priest Eziquio Trevizo was able to preach about the importance of persevering in the worship of GOD Almighty while writing with authority and truth. We learn that when we make GOD Almighty our everything, we are able to persevere regardless of obstacles, times, or persecution. We learn that Priest Eziquio Trevizo was able to be a bold example of how the worship of King Jesus Christ helps us persevere without needing to practice idolatry nor sin. We also know that we do not need illicit drug use because it does not help. We are able to have motivation and encouragement knowing that there are righteous individuals that choose to improve in the worship of GOD Almighty instead of stagnating in vices that attempt to lead the unrepentant wicked to destruction.

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

 Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was a Spanish nun who decided to worship GOD Almighty. We learn that she was able to have the ability to dedicate her life to the worship of GOD Almighty while also being able to improve writing literature in Spanish. We learn that Sor Juana Ines was able to worship GOD Almighty while being able to practice obedience with faith and righteousness. We learn that she decided to renounce the things of the world and instead choose the worship of GOD Almighty.

We learn that Sor Juana Ines was able to dedicate her life to the worship of GOD Almighty deciding to not give priority to the things of the world describing idol worship, connections, temporary material resources, or self-worship. We learn that instead she chose to worship GOD Almighty above everything and persevered trusting in GOD Almighty obeying the commandments of Moses and studying Scripture. 

We learn that she was able to study and write literature that is considered unique and beautiful. We learn that Sor Juana Ines was able to write poetry and poems that are considered beautiful in Spanish literature. We learn that this describes the importance of choosing to worship GOD Almighty above everything and being able to improve. We learn that while there are false philosophies of idol worship that try to lead far from GOD Almighty, only in the worship of GOD Almighty do we improve.

We learn that even with her amazing work in Spanish literature, she did not seek fame and fortune. We learn that instead she seeked to worship the Creator above everything. We learn that we can persevere worshiping GOD Almighty instead of practicing idol worship and envy. We learn that the worship of GOD Almighty helps us have eternal meaning and purpose while we increase in virtues instead of stagnating in vices. We learn that the worship of GOD Almighty helps us improve and flee idol worship.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn   Interpretacion a otros lenguajes “The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.” – A...